Nethercow Species Info



Nethercow Species Info

Nethercow Species Info

✦ Summary ✦



Nethercows are the species with the largest population and number of settlements. They have two major cities named Nethercow City and Simera, and many smaller towns. They focus very heavily on technological advancement and the sciences, as they are not able to harness magic the way Angels can.

Despite the troubles they are currently having with power supply, they are a very friendly species and avoid major conflicts as best they can. While they don't have chances to interact with the Angels too often there is no issue with Angels that decide to move and live in Nethercow settlements and be part of the community.

✦ Appearance ✦

Average body type

Nethercows typically have a stocky body structure, with thick legs. Females will have fat distributed more towards their stomach and thighs while it will go more towards the calves and upper body in Males. Skin colour varies.

Average height for Males is 5’11” and 5’7” for Females.


Fur normally starts from below the shoulders or elbows but can start as low as the waist, bypassing their arms entirely. The fur is thinner the higher up it goes.

Most common fur colours are dark brown and tan/blonde. Other colours and fur patterns aren’t as common but still around. Some Nethercows Have spots on the tops of their ears and most have lighter fur around their inner thighs and base of their tail.

Hair and face

Nethercows have hair they often dye and style for aesthetics as it is much less common to dye their fur. They will often pierce their ears regardless of gender and have sharp top canine teeth.

Horns and Hooves

Nethercows can either be horned or polled (no horns) due to genetics. If a Nethercows horns grow too heavy or large they can be surgically shortened or removed. Horns are often the same colour as a Nethercows hooves, unless the horns are very light in colour.


Nethercow tails are normally quite long and very expressive. Some Nethercows have shorter tails but it isn't common. The fur on a Nethercows tail will always be longer at the tip and its texture will match that of the hair on the Nethercows head.


Nethercows have sharp clawed fingernails on their hands which they will sometimes paint. Most Nethercows have their fur reach their hands.

Sexual dimorphism/Biology

Nethercows have human equivalent primary and secondary sex characteristics. Male Nethercows are also taller on average while female Nethercows go into a heat cycle every three months instead of a menstrual cycle.

Nethercows are resistant to many chronic diseases but have weaker immune systems when it comes to seasonal allergies and common colds. They also have the same ABO blood groups as humans and have a lifespan of 70-90 years.

Not genetically related to cattle or cows.

✦ Culture ✦


Architecture is heavily dependent on the time period and location. In Nethercow City the city itself is built on top of the older buildings with new highrises. All new buildings make room for solar energy and the older buildings in Nethercow City have older solar panels that no longer work but are too intermixed with the surrounding architecture to remove and replace.


Clothing in the city is very varied, with lots of different fashion styles and trends. In smaller towns the clothing is often more tied to the climate and local geography, as well as the main industry in the area.

Pants have a button closure on the back to accommodate their tails. Due to them all having hooves, shoes aren’t a thing.


Nethercows are omnivores and will eat a wide variety of foods ranging from fruits and vegetables to meat and seafood. Cuisine is dependent on local availability for most of the smaller towns. Will eat beef and drink cows milk as they are not genetically related to cattle.


In Torren, Children are given a gold or silver necklace on their 5th Seers day, which they wear into adulthood.

Engagement rings and wedding bands are very common, usually with a stone of the intended partner's favourite colour and can be either gold or silver in colour.

Newly graduated Nethercows from Highschool will spend a week away from their parents and celebrate together, usually in Simera.

Celebrations and Festivals

Major Holidays:

  • Summer Festival:

Celebrates the season with food, markets and games. In Nethercow City it is also a time to be thankful to the surrounding towns for all the agricultural work they do to support the city.

  • Innovation Day:

Celebrated in Autumn and focuses on the presentation of new ideas, scientific progression and advancements to technology. Where major research groups share their findings and pitch further research ideas for funding.

  • Christmas:

Christmas without the christ. Gift giving holiday spent with family and friends in the winter. Otherwise pretty much Christmas.

  • Springtide:

Two months long during spring when most Nethercows have time off to spend time with family/relax/focus on hobbies. Nethercows who choose to still work/essential workers get increased pay and only work a maximum of 4 days a week. The arts industry (galleries, film festivals, theatres etc) thrive during this time.

  • Seers Day (Torren only):

Instead of Christmas the people in Torren all come together for a big religious ceremony. Every few decades a new seer is chosen from the town's children.

Minor Holidays:

  • Marriage/Partnership
  • Birthdays
  • Parents Day
  • Funerals
  • Valentines Day
  • Pride

Arts and Entertainment

Nethercows focus much more heavily on science and technology but during Springtide many will take the time to explore hobbies and the arts more. Depending on the town or city the focus on arts and entertainment may change.


Nethercows have a lot of musical genres they like but the top 100 always has pop or indie rock songs on it. Dance songs are also very popular due to the prevalence of nightclubs in the major cities. In smaller, more isolated towns music is more acoustic.


Healthcare for Nethercows is all subsidised and easily accessed for most populations. Due to advancements in science and technology there are very good treatments available for Nethercows who are injured or sick. By extension general welfare and support is also easily accessed to those who need it.


Children have basic schooling up until age 16 at which point they go to university if they choose. There are many school choices for parents to pick from depending on where they live.


It is usually just the parents and children in a house rather than multigenerational and will either live in apartments or single family homes depending on where they live.


Pets are very common and are mostly dogs or cats, though they can also be birds, fish or reptiles. Working animals like cattle dogs are also very common in the smaller towns. Assistance and service animals can often be seen around the larger cities as well.

✦ Terminology ✦

✦ NCC ✦

Abbreviation of Nethercow City.