


8 months, 11 days ago

Basic Info

Roleplay Status

Alive and Healthy


Kurillian Bobtail


11 in


11 lbs


August 21st


20 moons







Star Sign



Chaotic Neutral






”Childish? I’m just having fun!”71907798_6zfK2FB1YN9Gn5n.gif——————Personality——————

LionRoost is an ambitious young cat, with a tiring amount of energy for most felines. It isn’t rare she’s put to work to help tired queens with their kittens, despite how she’ll swear up and down how she dislikes children. No matter the circumstance, the bobtail will usually be up for just about anything you throw her way, taking life head on. She’s rather fearless, and lives for the risk of battle and other adrenaline-producing activities. Whether her actions are stupid or brave, that depends on the bystander’s thought. LionRoost’s very playful cat, living for the fun of life. She often teases those she likes being around. The warrior also has a tendency to be quite dramatic for amusement, often playing it up as a joke. LionRoost is rather carefree, rarely seeming bothered by much.

Although it isn’t rare some find her demeanor in life annoying. LionRoost could be considered slightly dense by some. She also has a tendency to get wrapped in her own problems and ego, and may need a little bit of sense knocked into her every once in a while. LionRoost is highly reckless, having trouble with acting before thinking. This often lands her into sticky situations. She’s not new to cheating. The bobtail is sly, and is no stranger to cutting corners. Besides, what are rules if not meant to be broken!



LionRoost’s appearance is rather odd to many, especially to those from outside her clan. It isn’t unusual she is whispered to be “alien” at gatherings, although the bright warrior doesn’t allow it to get to her skin. Her fur resembles the feathery covering of a rooster, of which her traits are pulled from. Her upper head is an orange, her muzzle and neck are a brighter yellow. Around her wide, olive green eyes is a darker shade of brown, resembling a mask of sorts. On the tips of her ears and her brow are tufts of fur sticking upward. Her back and shoulders are a darkened red, fading into an orange farther down her body. Her forearms are a deep blue in the middle, while the bottom is a reddish-brown. Her back legs are also this color. Her claws are a pale yellow, curled and sharp. Her underside is a slightly teal dark color. The most peculiar of her looks is her strikingly long, black tail feathers, shiny from careful cleaning. Beneath all that, is a fluffy nub of a tail. Her wings transition from a red, to a teal, to a brown.




As soon as little LionKit was born, both her father and mother knew their little bundle of fur would be a pawful. LionKit was named for the abundance of fur around her neck, which they believed resembled what a lion’s mane was said to look like. Although, the name came to mean much more to the rooster-featured kitty. She was born alongside HenKit, who’s pelt was filled with much more black, like the average chicken. LionKit was a rather loud kit in her newly-born days, voice always exceeding that of HenKit’s. As soon as her eyes opened and she could experience the world, the kitten was just about unstoppable! Until it was time for a nap… of course. LionKit didn’t mind nuzzling under her mothers wing every once in a while, alongside HenKit’s annoying snoring.

Lion and HenKit balanced eachother out. What the rooster called the “inarguably perfect duo.” HenKit was loyal and true, a feline who strictly followed the rules. She often talked her brash sister out of doing stupid things, and was always the calm one amongst the two. Hen was the only one who could truly be sure her sister wasn’t getting her head stuck in a log somewhere. Yet, she let herself loose a few times, dragged into LionKit’s adventures. Although HenKit was sure to protest.

The two parents could be considered bad at their job, especially with a kid like LionKit. They were kind felines, yet in their inexperience, the couple couldn’t help but be heavily lenient in how they raised their children. How could you say no to a wide eyed look like theirs’? With little consequences to their actions, at least from their guardians, Hen and LionKit grew reckless, along with many other things they struggled to regulate. For LionKit, the most challenging out of this bundle of things were her emotions.

Six moons seemed to pass so quickly, as LionKit proudly stood in front of her leader to begin her apprenticeship. HenPaw swore upon becoming the keenest of warriors, with LionPaw shooting to be the strongest. It wasn’t long into her apprenticeship LionPaw was labeled as the “trouble child.” She still ran her antics, and experienced many scoldings.  Most of her clanmates did not give her this assumption out of malice, in fact, it was all rather subtle. Teasing amongst friends, and playful little nods to her track-record from the warriors around her. Although, it easily rooted itself within the young LionPaw. 

LionPaw couldn’t help but hurt and push those she loved most away. Even within her loyal sister, HenPaw had a bubbling stressor, slowly spilling over the surface. The chicken-featured apprentice cared dearly for LionPaw, perhaps too much. She wouldn’t hesitate to take the blame for her reckless sister’s problematic actions. For other denmates of LionPaw’s, some found her too rambunctious for their liking. She found others would often be hurt when following her, twisting their ankle on a gnarled root or breaking their wing tumbling from a branch. She felt terrible, but continued her actions. It was just her way of life.

She hated all the scolding, all the yelling she endured from angry clanmates. It was something she became numb to at a point. They would ramble on about the warrior code, and how important it was. They would list all the things she needed to change about herself. Though LionPaw was aware of each and every one of her weaknesses. The young one couldn’t figure out how to change, though. She’d never truly hurt anyone on purpose. It was just easier to get what you wanted when you cut corners, why didn’t all warriors do it?

It was a miracle she became a warrior, with all the trouble she caused through her younger days. But she’d swear she’d put it behind her! LionRoost was older now, she grew more sense. It wouldn’t be hard to straighten her act now, right? Although… a scheme every once in a while wouldn’t hurt. HenScratch and LionRoost were sure to celebrate their new names, choosing to frolic all night in PetalClan’s beauty of a territory. It was oddly enough in those moments with her sister, HenScratch really believed her littermate would be better. LionRoost herself swore it to her.

Not long after, HenScratch paced in PetalClan’s burnt territory. The aftermath of the fire left her in a mess of stress. She struggled to witness her home shoot up in flames so suddenly. LionRoost was a bright presence amongst the grief-stricken felines. She wasn’t going to let all that death get to her… she couldn’t. She disliked seeing how distraught others were, and refused to let herself go through that.

Her cheery demeanor was not welcome by all though. Lion approached Hen, talkative as ever. As if everything was just peachy. HenScratch snapped, letting out a flurry of pent of emotion toward her littermate. She confessed how much trouble she had gone through with LionRoost, how much she had sacrificed for her no-good sister. The chicken-featured feline stated she reckoned her sibling was better off a rogue. And for what? To be ignored? How come the cat who had caused so much racket was getting all the attention? LionRoost was shocked, her pelt burned with shame. The bobtail did not fight back, she didn’t think she deserved a say in this case. She hadn’t meant to hurt her sibling and best friend all this time. HenScratch leapt into the air, leaving LionRoost to soak in her lingering emotions. They made up, eventually. Yet, an undeniable air of complicated feelings sits between the two. They both choose to ignore it, especially LionRoost.

Today, LionRoost is still a bubbly young cat. She’s headstrong, and an independent feline. She’ll still play little tricks every once in a while, as well as still orchestrate little schemes. The biggest difference between her tricks now is that she’s become more sneaky and subtle. She spends most her time up and about, and is a cat who enjoys joining patrols. 



Taking What’s Not Yours - TV Girl

Voice Claim

Franziska Von Karma - Ace Attorney
