Begonia "Bee" Kine



8 months, 6 days ago



Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/Her

Currently residing: Her bakery in a high functioning section of the Maze

Status: Alive

Height: 5'5 (Head to feet) 5'9 (Feet to ears) 6'6 (feel to fully extended ears)

Sexuality: Pansexual

Occupation: Baker, confectioner and florist

Birthday: October 13th

Relationships: Esmerelda (Adopted mother, trust and worry), Beelzebub (Brotherly companion), Mavis (Trusted/adoration), Peter (Romantically involved/adoration), Goldie (Animalistic companion), Skrimp (Friendly/tense), Lord/ Mr. Cogman (Trust)

Appearance: On the surface, Bee is an anthropomorphic bunny monster with thick, tan fur with a beige mane and accents. Her limbs are very thick with fur to the point her fingers and toes are hardly distinguishable. She has long floppy "ears" Which actually function as eyestalks when the eyes on her face are occupied. she has a long, slender tail with a tuft of fur on the end of it. She has bright yellow eyes with a bright pink slit in the center.

Personality: Bee is a very happy go lucky kind of girl as genuinely as she can, though over time this has been soured by the cute persona she puts on for work. It's much more exaggerated for work for the fact she's doing her best to hold back to murderous intent of her stock. It's tiring for her but her genuine positive outlook on life helps her push through the falseness.

Backstory: Bee is typically a bright, optimistic soul, and she's been this way ever since she was young. Always curious about the world around her and excited to learn more about it. All this was a bit difficult for her mother to keep track of in her weakening, elderly age. So in her mid teens, she fixed up a property for her where she would grow plants and bake sweets of the euphoric variety. This in turn, got her placed in the eyes of some interesting individuals, but who knows how that goes

Other information/ Trivia

- Bee has no clue that she was not born in the Maze or the fact that she's adopted

- Begonia was the name her adopted mother gave her, her name before that was Cherylyn and she has no clue of this

- Her 'customer service' voice consists of extending her words a lot like thiiiiiiiiiiiiiis and it's become a habit she's trying to break

- Her favorite companion plant is a sentient bonsai tree that has a love hate relationship with. A meat tree named Dimitri. there's something about him

- She has a soft spot for cute critters, big or small

- Most of her desserts or fruits, if not consumed responsibly results in suffocation via laughing. Anyone who succumbs to this fate despite her warning is fed to her carnivorous plants.

- Her thick fur is meant to soak up alluring smells from her plants and attract potential customers

- Her plants can and will attack and kill any and all intruders, or at least hold them hostage until Bee gives them the go ahead.