


8 months, 20 days ago


Character I plan to play in a D&D style Pokemon game 

Name: Evander ?????
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Pokemon Starter: Woobat

Character I hope to play in a Pokemon D&D game, Evander the Psychic Pokemon trainer and their starter Luna the Woobat. Evander is from the Unova Region and has the interesting upbringing of being raised by parents who were apart of Team Plasma, they were just low level grunts that didn't know the 'true' nature of Team Plasma, but it meant Evander had a distant/strained relationship with Pokemon growing up. Due to his psychic nature he could feel/sense things from the Pokemon and they seemed to be happy with their trainers, but his parents would say this is wrong...and his parents couldn't be wrong right?  

He was also home-schooled and kept away from most children growing up (Unless they were other Team Plasma Grunt Kids) and not encouraged to developed his growing psychic ability that his parents refused to acknowledge or want to nurture, so his psychic ability is undeveloped. When he was 13 he was 'recruited' into Team Plasma as a rookie member and helped out at the protests. Though he just followed order's still not really sure how to take in the what he had been told his whole life and the was his psychic senses were telling him instead.

Fortunately for him this is when the events of B/W games took place, opening his eyes to the truth and him choosing to leave Team Plasma early on, though he did confront his parents and tried to argue for them to quit too, that just ended badly for him and he never spoke/seen them again.

Evander doesn't like to talk about his life after leaving his parents behind, it was a very difficult but after a couple of months he was lucky enough to get in contact with his Uncle in Castelia City who works for a paranormal investigation blog 'Para-Nor-Mon' that Evander would join the team of soon after, and basically be a intern for the group, helping set up equipment and get coffee or other things for the senior member's. It's not great but he'll rather have a roof over his head and food than not have either.  

At the moment he's doing his first 'solo' investigation on behalf of the 'Para-Nor-Mon' blog, hopefully it will be just a simple trip and nothing dangerous will happen right?