hadiyah monamu



5 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info


Hadiyah Monamu.


Hadi, Diyah.









Voted Most Likely to:

Trip on a lego.



Life: Alive


Hadiyah is a very determined sentret, who tries to do the best for herself and her friends. She is a very willingly caring pokemon, and can never genuinely turn anyone away in need of help, or someone who generally needs someone to be there for them - she will gladly be the pokemon to help. The sentret is also responsible, usually taking responsibility for any matter and quick to put herself to blame, she will take the responsibility of a situation despite it not being her fault. She is also undeniably loyal to her friends, and will gladly sacrifice herself or her belongings for them - and as such, has known to be quite the pushover. Despite this, she is also very trusting, of both others, and is a trusting person to those around her - gladly keeping secrets to herself and never thinking once about sharing them, she holds promises as if they were sacred from the gods themselves. Hadi is also naturally a quiet pokemon, never seeing herself as a crowd-turning pokemon, she often blends well with a crowd, becoming invisible to those around her. Though if you ask her personally, she generally doesn't mind this fact.

However, Hadiyah is also obedient to a T, never really questioning what a pokemon is doing and will easily act obedient when someone more intimidating is around - mainly due to how her brother usually treated her at home, she still is unable to break the habit. Another trait she possesses too well is being old-fashioned, not too up to date with trends, she's quick to grab a book and sit by a fireplace - something she has done many a time in her life. Moreover, she is overly-sensitive, quite often than not, she will cry while apologizing - if she's happy - if she's sad - or angry. She takes most everything anyone says about her to heart, and in turn that can be a good trait, but it mainly consists of the bad side. Hadiyah is also very weak-willed, not able to take a few hits to her self-esteem as it is already low, she will steer clear of confrontation, especially if it's face to face. Not to mention, Hadi is also very cowardly, in terms of confronting her feelings and others, she usually strays far far away from such. Trying her hardest to hide from herself. Finally, she is a dreamer at heart - often letting things going far over her head and into the clouds.


Hadiyah comes from a dull household. Her parents don't exactly pay attention to her as often as she'd like, but as she'd become used to the lack of attention and care, she soon thought that this 'lack' or thereof, was completely normal. Instead, her brother would be tended to all the time, as he was a furret, along with her parents, while she was afraid of evolving, and would much rather stay as herself. She became awkward and weak-willed due to her brother's bullying whenever she came home. Hadi began to enjoy being outside, and enjoy being with others - although most of the time, it would result in another situation just like at home. She also began to develop a case of amnesia, due to how badly her memories of home were. Her memories sometimes become so frazzled that she can't remember her own birthday or even her favorite color.

She now comes to Sternberg High as her own unique self and wishes to blossom and remember - remember how beautiful the world is from another view. Hadiyah was sick of being inside all the time. She wanted to see the world, to feel alive, and to feel wanted.


  • Loves to binge watch shows!
  • Has decent knowledge of certain pantheons!
  • Has very soft cheeks, thighs, and tail.
  • If she tries hard enough, she can balance on her tail.
  • If she blushes enough, she will use her tail to hide!
  • When nervous, she cuddles her flopped ear.
  • If she ever comes to meeting someone new, she cannot speak - it takes her a long quiet moment to get used to their presence.
  • She has a huge love for games!
  • She's very self-conscious about her glasses!
  • Has a great love for old books and libraries.
  • Theme song.