jasmine cassidy



5 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info


Jasmine Cassidy.


Jas, Jaz, Cassie.




Dedenne/Glameow fusion.


February 19th.







Life: Alive
1st year (Highschool)


{ Compassionate } { Understanding } { Generous } { Affectionate }
Jasmine is able to express a sympathy and concern for others, with a smile still avid upon her face - she's the type of gal to sympathize with anyone for nearly anything, and has been known to be a good trait of hers. While she may be sympathetic, she is also able to express her understanding of others and the situations they find themselves in. Never one to quickly judge others, she will quietly understand them and begin to become familiar with them. Due to her being unattached to most of what she owns, she is easily the second to best generous pokemon you'll be pleased to know! Not one to waste her time in helping her peers, she will often give away her lunch, a bracelet or clothing without much thought. Being somewhat of a glameow, Jasmine has always been the type to love giving affection to others - especially her friends! Because of this, she will often purr or keep close to others, bathing in their warmth and becoming comfortable for now and ever!

{ Airheaded } { Bashful } { Romantic } { Bubbly }
Additionally, Jasmine is quite foolish - often silly around others to the point of being near clown-worthy, she is a natural type of gal with a knack for crushing too easily. And while sometimes, this may not be seen as a bad thing for others, it's a bad thing for her considering she made a New Year's Resolution about it and all! Being clumsy with her thoughts which occasionally slip out into the real world, she struggles to keep herself level-headed, if at all. The girl may be foolish, but she isn't one to want to draw attention to herself - and will quite often than not speak quietly and express herself with slight reluctance, only talking normally around friends. Not to mention the most important trait of Jasmine - being a hopeless romantic! She will often dwell about how to stop herself from crushing on others, but it never succeeds. However, she has acquired a great taste in romance films due to this, and will often squee to herself quietly about them. Despite her taste for romance, she is endlessly cheerful with her outlook on life - which can be somewhat draining to others. Unable to keep down in the dumps for too long, she is able to easily motivate herself back into higher spirits!

{ Oblivious } { Impatient } { Childish } { Finicky } { Naive }
Of course, being as bubbly as she is, she has a dummy in her own sense, right? Correct! Jasmine is undeniably oblivious, often letting a serious situation go right over her head and into the clouds - she struggles to understand when a time to be serious is around. The glamenne, is not only a complete mess at times, but also has a huge thing for impatience which often leads to her fidgeting when it comes to rushing others, or asking others to hurry in general - this also comes with her unable to wait for vending machines sometimes. Additionally, Jasmine is also quite childish! She will easily turn anything into a game if given the opportunity to and still watches Disney films as if they came out yesterday. Being finicky is also a natural trait of hers which she's been unable to grow out of ever since she was little - being fussy over foods and often how people take care of her or things she cares about. Fortunately, she is also a terrible judge of character - which connects with her naivety, as she has an incredible lack of judgment.


Born in Kalos, Jasmine's father wasn't exactly the best kind of person. He wasn't abusive but he had a bad gambling addiction, blowing away all of their money at casinos and poker nights with the guys. With what her mom had left from his stupidity, she'd be swept off to Unova at age fifth teen for a couple reasons - one, to escape awful memories made in this place. Two, her aunt got a proper paying job and there wasn't a point in staying here for dust bunnies in your wallet.

However so, from her time in Kalos, Jasmine had become invested in music and dance due to the life in which they bring with them! If you're able to create energy in your performances, you can spike up a spark in others' eyes - and manage to be memorable... then you're set. It was something which she had found amazing ever since she had danced with her Aunt one sunny morning, along with many other folks in her town during those summer days. That memory is always fresh in her mind.

After doing a couple months of research into trying to find the best preforming arts school to send Jasmine at, considering they didn't have many chances to succeed so hell. Why not give her a shot with at least doing something she loved? - they'd end up finding out about Sternberg. Cheap enough and close enough to their Unovan 'home town', it wouldn't completely wreck her aunt's bank account allowance, and it wasn't like the teen had a good judgement of character. This shoddy run down school? Oh, that could easily be amazing on the inside! You poor, poor, idiot.

That's how Jasmine found herself here, trying to live out the beginnings of a dream she's had in her mind, of becoming a musician who can bring out energy in others.


  • Hopeless romantic! Has a stash of romance films which she uses to research from!
  • Crushes on others easily due to her lack of understanding on what love actually is! Don't be surprised if she has a long list.
  • Has stage fright! It's why she didn't pick Theater...
  • Loves to drink milk! Specifically chocolate milk.
  • Enjoys cuddling her friends! Very affectionate!
  • Known to purr when happy! Her tail will also curl around you if she feels comfortable.
  • Has a personal collection of romance novels - but becomes instantly embarrassed when people point out her choice of novels..
  • She has paw pads on her feet!
  • Jasmine's tongue is exactly like a glameow's! Rough like sandpaper.
  • Loves memes! And will send you a TON if you befriend her!
  • Her favourite artist(s) are: Blackbear, Marina & The Diamonds, Melanie Martinez and Lana Del Rey!
  • She loves watching / hearing rain, but not being in it!
  • Theme song(s): Happy, 4U, Mrs. Potato Head, Daddy Issues, Gasoline, Young and Beautiful, Boys, Him&I, Bad At Love, COPYCAT, Lovely.