
8 months, 29 days ago




" I didn't know it'd turn out like this. "

Full Name

Aldri Bodilsson






D&D 5e


Terminator, Al


March 24


Rogue Assassin




Nothing has ever gone right for Aldri. From the moment he was born to this very second, everything he's ever done has been a mistake- in particular, the "immortality" he's achieved. Despite every attempt to hide his secrets, there's only so much you can do when you're helping a bunch of near-strangers end the world...

He is nothing if not really, really good at making absolutely dogshit decisions.



  • Weaving
  • Fresh fruit
  • Green fields


  • Darkness
  • Hot days
  • Greasy hair
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Aldri is, above everything else, in a constant dissociative fugue. Even in his attempts to be a father again to anyone who's willing to take him in and attempts at sarcastic humor, he just... isn't really there. All the liveliness and joy and love for the world he had before the first time his curse manifested, gone. He's just a shell of the man he once was, fueled only by a half-lit vengeance against nobody in particular. All he wants now is the bittersweet embrace of death, even if getting it means destroying existence itself.


Aldri’s early life was simple enough, aside from being born an extremely sickly boy. Constantly plagued by illness and physical frailness from a very young age, Aldri continued to disappoint those who expected him to grow up into a great warrior like his father Bodil as time went on. Ultimately, he turned to weaving as his means of getting through life and pulling his weight; it allowed him to stay inside and avoid physically exerting himself too much. Over time, he became better and better at it, ultimately becoming the main weaver of his home village and joining the Weavers’ Guild. As he got older, he didn’t get healthier or any less frail, and was married to the village healer Unna in his family’s attempt to attach his name to something “more important” than weaving. Even though partially arranged, it ended up working out extraordinarily well, and the two had their first and only son, Finnividr, when Aldri was about 27.
The illnesses refused to stop tormenting him, though, and Aldri was stricken by a severe and prolonged case of pneumonia when Finnividr was only five years old. It lasted for days, which turned into weeks, which turned into months. He couldn’t stop coughing blood and he could practically feel his organs coming close to giving out. But he couldn’t die- he didn’t want to die. He wanted to be there for Finnividr and Unna. He wanted to watch his son grow up. In a feverish state, he took a gamble, and attempted to contact Hela.
With a deal made and immortality assured, Aldri was at peace. He didn’t tell Unna or Finnividr- he figured they didn’t need to know. Or, really, he couldn’t bear the thought of them figuring out just how deathly ill he had become. His health improved, and he seemed to have recovered from his illness. He slowly became healthier overall; the deal had made his body somewhat sturdier than before. Aldri lived an idyllic life with his family for another five years. But only five.
Something… happened, one day. Aldri’s memory is fuzzy. All he knows is that he was having lunch with Unna when something happened.
There was a searing pain and he realized too late what it meant not to die, but he was back up what felt like an eternity in the void later... to find wife dead. His child dead. He’d sacrificed so much just to painfully outlive his own family and ultimately meet a fate worse than death- living with his regrets.
The past five years, he’s been on the move, trying to build the skills for what he knows he must do and shoving his way through the pain of his body continuously falling apart under him- particularly since he wasn’t well put together. He’s only become a rogue over the course of the past 5 years and by god he is determined to achieve his goal… though Lafsi still won’t leave him alone, as her only successful “”resurrection””.

Recently, he traveled to Helheim to try and find his family and assassinate Hela herself in a desperate attempt to undo the curse. Unfortunately, another, more cruel god took her place... and his family doesn't even remember him.



  • He's only capable of stubble. He may be Nordic but by god is his beard pathetic lmao
  • His immortality manifests as all his wounds and ailments being transferred to someone else whenever he "dies".
  • That being said, he only briefly visits Hela whenever this happens before being sent back, quick enough that he's usually back up before his head hits the ground,
  • The adrenaline of death usually sends Aldri into a sort of rage state for about a minute after resurrection.
  • His wounds don't fully heal. He gets put back together, sure, but he sews himself back up in order to stay together, and his scars are still present. Most notable is a scar on his jugular and a massive scar spanning from one shoulder to the opposite hip- from being stabbed in the throat and cleaved in half, respectively.
  • Please god he needs therapy or at least a break


  • Graveyard dirt
  • Faded colors
  • Stitched wounds
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Unna and Finnividr


His wife and son respectively, Aldri loved them above everything. He gave up everything solely to watch his son grow up and his wife prosper, only to outlive them. And now, after all the time they've spent in Hel, they don't even remember him.


Party Member

He couldn't save her.