


8 months, 24 days ago


Yin, sister to Yang, isn't as energetic as her brother but certainly is more mischevious.
She uses dark magic and has more control over all the 'passive' elements, such as water or earth.

Both she and her brother can cotrol the 'metal' element, as it is both destructive and constructive.

[ LORE DISCLAIMER  ]-----------------------------------------------
Lore can be changed however, its merely a HC I came up with while making these goobers.
Their names can also be changed, Yin & Yang are merely 'titles'

[DESIGN NOTES:   ]-----------------------------------------------
Everything can be simplified, but not to the point where the character is unrecognizable.
Both of the siblings are based on the 'White-faced saki monkeys', hence the thick tails.

YAAS okay i'm leaving that above lore for a bit until I can decide what I want to incoporate and what i want to change. this is yingyue "yin", meaning "reflection of the moon" - when the siblings were born, it was said that she was destined to die. she lives her life as normal until one day her explorations of the mountain lead her to accidentally unleashing a curse upon herself. this curse slowly begins to kill her as it drains her power and leeches on her life. her father/master informs yin that the curse will take root and she will die by the end of two lunar cycles. he frames this as inevitable, simply her destiny from birth, but muyang is determined to find a cure and convinces his sister to adventure across land and sail across the sea with him to seek out the aid of guanyin and hopefully save her life before it's too late. along the way they fight a mirad of demons, discover civilizations, and make new friends, all in his quest to defy destiny and save his sister's life.