


8 months, 3 days ago


Name is pronounced like "zen-s-keh"


A utahraptor themed guy, a hero school student, just a very sporty. energetic and sociable fellow, kiinda prone to getting into trouble, especially with his teachers. He just wanna do what he believes is right, even if that means going against the orders or expecations of his teachers. He is very friendly with almost everyone he meets, and is one of the biggest social butterflies of his class. Being alone is hard for him, and can very quickly dull his mood. He is very active and sporty, often taking the lead on morning sprints, and generally outdoing everyone in the process. He has a massive appetite and a love of meat. Will not admit it but he loves physical affection. Running fingers through his hair will make him melt.

His power is called Utahraptor! It gives him the abilities of a utahraptor, including feathers, digitigrade legs, claws, and a feathered tail! His bones are hollow, and while his legs are built for strength, he is a formidable sprinter. While he cannot keep it up over long distances, it can certainly get him away from most situations. His claws are also nothing to sneeze at, and when un-filed can cut through metal. He does tend to file them though, especially his hand-claws, as being able to cut through metal can pose some problems for holding regular everyday objects. He is warm-blooded, and while he dislikes the cold, it is not anything unusual, especially compared to various other reptile powers. His tail help with balance, especially when sprinting. He also has sharp teeth. He is capable of heavy kicks and stomps, as he's got quite the strength in his legs, though as he prefers running as an activity, his legs aren't as strong as they could be because he skips leg day /j. Jokes aside he does some since going to a hero school means getting encouraged to do strength training, but in comparison to someone with his power, his legs are weaker. Still a mighty kick though. 

He walks on two toes, and his third toes are kept off the ground. Not raised however, in resting position they are higher on the leg. They are connected to his calf, allowing for powerful stabs. He files his claws pretty often to keep him from scratching surfaces. His third toe claws can grow long and sickle-like if left unfiled. The others are able to become long and curved, but doesn't do so as they hit the ground. If wearing shoes then they do not get much natural filing and can start scraching through the sole. Due to the angle of his third toes (a few degrees away from truly forward), his claws growing long enough can get them too close to comfort to his skin, and so they get filed down to the same length as his other claws.

Hates shoes, they press his claws together. Wears specalized shoes in the winter, as he can still get frostbitten. His feathers might help him keep warm, but as he also has scales, his feet can be rather sensitive to cold temperatures.

The big scales on his body provide extra protection against piercing damage. His tail is very flexible, but when running at top speed his tail will stiffen, moving up and down or sideways to aid balance. When reaching top speed he will naturally slant forwards slightly, and his arm movements will be minimal. 

Does not possess dewclaws at the back of his feet.

Feathers on tail can fan outwards with emotion, usually when startled.

Is friends with Taro

Zensuke (善亮) 善 means "good, virtuous, kind." 亮 means "brightness, clearness."