


8 months, 22 days ago


2165458.1418587230.avatar.png N A T U R E

== Agender - Adult - Mortal - Questioning - Single - Standard Jewel ==


c no sclera
uc eye shape
uc nose
uc snout
uc fur
r ears
r kinked tail


Darryl - whose real name isn't easily pronounced by earthly throats (unless you're an elk) - hails from a supermassive planet that's locked into a perpetual twilight. The vegetation there is stunted, scraggly and warped; twisted by a howling gale that only lets up twice a year. Except for the drab, dull colours the planet's landscape would look like something straight out of a Dr. Seuss book! The clouds only clear for a few days on either side of the summer solstice, and around the turn of the new year. It's THEN that the planet's beauty truly shines! The planet has rings, like Saturn, and they're visible from the surface, glowing in the light of the system's twin stars. It's located in a dense sector of space, too, so the heavens are filled with more stars than you could imagine and comets are a common sight. These small windows of peace have always been times of celebration for Darryl's people. For the rest of the year, life on the planet is hard. Resources are thin due to the usually extreme conditions. Much of the planet's life either surfs high above on the wind of the storms (then falls when the winds stop, providing a feast for ground-dwellers) or seeks shelter in the many caves and caverns which honeycomb the planet. As such, many of these creatures have evolved to rely on senses beyond their sight. Darryl itself possesses an extremely sensitive schnoz - capable of detecting the slightest whiff of prey in the midst of the hurricane - and thick tendril-like ears. Rather than hearing in the conventional sense, they pick up on vibrations and pressure changes in the surrounding environment, much like an insect's antenna would. These two adaptations, in combination with the sensitive hairs which grow long at the nape of its neck, on its cheeks, its chest and its rump, allow Darryl to navigate the near total darkness of the tunnels which its people call home. Its sight is actually very bad. It can only detect variations in light and shadow, as well as pick up on movement. It is completely colourblind and can pick out no really distinct shapes. Darryl's society isn't very high on the technology scale. It's actually very similar to that of Primal Simas. But what they lack in computers they more than make up for in music and structural engineering. You have to do SOMETHING when you're stuck inside all day! Especially when WHAT you're stuck inside is essentially one big interconnected system of echo chambers that needs to be constantly maintained, expanded, and improved.