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Basic Info


Death disco sekai no Owari



Pérola da Passagem

08/07 ; Oysterleaf

In the shell of existence, even chaos wears a smirk, and I? I dance with the tempest, mocking the pearls of fate

The ocean, a realm of mystery and wonder, has given rise to a unique spirit. These souls are often whimsical and untamed, bringing a certain charm to even the most chaotic of situations. In a world where death and laughter intertwine, Achyls is a figure of mystery, a funeral director with an unconventional flair and an enigmatic personality. His peculiar presence is often unsettling, causing those who interact with him to feel uneasy.


Achyls soul is rooted in the depths of the ocean but his heart is connected to the realm of the dead. So, he shrouds himself in an air of mystery that echoes through every bizzare interaction- Youll often find others... rather against talking with him. His workspace, is where death meets artistry and oh does he takes pride in this fusion, often intertwining his duties with the enjoyment of magic. He is a master of his craft, and every funeral he conducts is a work of art. His colleagues, unsettled by his peculiar presence, reluctantly acknowledge the undeniable synergy he shares with Tarielles. Externally, Achyls engages with the world through unpredictability. Those seeking information from him must navigate through a labyrinth of requests. Some view him as a living paradox, while others see him as a mockery of conventional norms. Regardless, Achyls remains indifferent to the opinions swirling around him, remaining efficient in his work, never wasting a moment or a movement. He has a certain confidence that belies his odd mannerisms and unpredictable behavior. He has a tendency towards sadism, which can make him come across as cold and unfeeling, but he also has a sense of humor that belies his demeanor.


Within are questions that surround his existence. How did he come to be? Why does he possess such peculiar traits and abilities? What drives him? He remains a puzzle, one that many try to solve but few succeed in unraveling due to to his thoughts and motives often leaving room for interpretation, his emotions and actions shrouded in mystery. do not be fooled thpugh, for he is highly self-aware, aware of his peculiar nature and the impact it has on others, but he embraces it as a part of who he is.


efficient, uncomplacent, self confident


sadistic, vague, tactless

Main Personal Goal

Although he may have a hidden agenda or a deeper purpose that drives him, the closest ideal seems to understand and unravel the mysteries of life and death

Name Achyls mystikos
Age 24
Gender unknown
Height 6'2
Birthsign cancer
Place of Origin Aternus
Enneatype 5W8


  • Anonymously, Achyls sends cryptic letters and artifacts to his colleagues for fun.
  • Achyls has an affinity for crows and ravens, often leaving small offerings for them near the Aternus premises. Some believe these birds carry messages between him and unknown entities.
  • Those close to Achyls may experience a sense of foreboding when around him. His dark humor occasionally takes on an ominous tone, leaving an unsettling feeling that he might be more in tune with the mysteries of death than he lets on.
  • Achyls is rumored to have been involved in questionable dealings, leading to whispers of betrayal and manipulation. Those who cross paths with him may question his true intentions and whether he’s an ally or a potential adversary.



Achyls ability allows him to momentarily bridge the gap between the living and the dead, hearing the relentless echoes of regrets and unfulfilled desires from departed souls. However, instead of bringing solace, these haunting murmurs serve as a constant reminder of life’s disappointments and the inevitability of unmet expectations. Achyls, burdened by this perpetual chorus of discontent, grapples with the cynical reality that even in death, dissatisfaction endures.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Pulvinar elementum integer enim neque volutpat ac. Pulvinar pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et. Ullamcorper eget nulla facilisi etiam. A condimentum vitae sapien pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et.

Page last modified; 08 / 12 / 2023