


5 years, 11 months ago



Name Krimsonya
Age Unkown
Species Flame Guard || Demon
Gender Female
Sexuality Bisexual
Pronouns She/Her
Occupation Lancer (Previous)
CLAN | FAMILY name None
Birthplace Hellios
Crush Drakoe
ScentCamp Fire
Voice sample
Weapon | powerLance and Shield (Previous)
Best friend Eric, Hades
own familyNone
acquaintance Mono, Tia 
mmd Video click to watch

natural appearance

See MMD model

  • Cold to new people
  • Curious
  • Watchful
  • Unimpressed
  • Slowly losing her powers
  • Doesn't take any shit from anyone
  • Finds it very hard to trust people

Krimsonya was created from flames by the King himself. She was obedient and loyal only towards him. Her purpose of existence was to guard Pandemonium and the  entrance of Hellios, eliminating angels passing through and demons that were causing trouble. She had rather cold and emotionless attitude, always looking as if she's bored of her job, even though she was not.

When she met Sarabia the coldness around her heart began to melt, but when the woman up and abandoned her without a word she realized she couldn't go on like this anymore. She decided to forge herself a new path, leaving behind her life as a warrior to rediscover herself. She ran into a group of demons, and at first thought she'd have to fight her way through but she noticed one in the group that had the same pain in his eyes as she did. She took a liking to him, and went back to visit him many times. Over a few months she realized she'd fallen for him and stripped herself of her duties in a very literal way. Since joining the group of demons she's become much more relaxed and happiness has reentered her life.

  • Fire
  • Her new life
  • Her friends
  • Being at peace
  • Liars
  • Angels
  • Bad partners
  • Disrespect 
  • Fast
  • Good with a lance
  • Quick reflexes
  • Waning Powers
  • Too relaxed over time
  • Heart breaks easily 
Drakoe | Partner

Krim met Drakoe by chance and felt a connection with him. Over time they became very close and she knew she didn't want to leave him or his group of friends. She left behind her old life to start a new one with him, despite any consequences that might happen.

Eric | Friend

When she first met Eric she thought he had the same coldness inside of him but over time she saw deeper into his personality. She isn't intimidated him and actually finds his outbursts quite amusing. 

Mono | Friend

Krim is worried about getting too close to Mono, she knows some of the things she says can come across as harsh and doesn't want to upset him. She also knows Dimitri wouldn't stand for it and doesn't want to get on his bad side.

Dimitri | Friend

Dimi is the only one in the group that makes Krim nervous. She can sense a darkness in him that she's not come across before. She knows deep down he's a nice guy but until she becomes closer to him she tries to be as kind as possible to him.