Selene Harvesta



5 years, 11 months ago


"Quote here" 

Person name here

Basic information

Name:  Selene Juniper Harvesta

Alias:  Sel / 6042

Age:  ?? -  22 (Depends on the au)

Race:  Demangel (Half-demon, half-angel)

Gender:  Female

Height:  5ft

Occupation:  N/A / College student at Briarswell Academy

Personality:  Quiet / stubborn / anxious and a crybaby at times / sarcastic / patience / easily frustrated.

Sexuality:  N/A

Likes:  The rain / drawing / Poppy and Kito / Cal / fluffy objects / watching the stars / music / making people happy.

Dislikes:  The heat / ignorant asshats / falling deep into depression / overworrying / feeling worthless / fighting / cleaning / heights.



  • Has a fear of: The dark, spiders and heights.
  • She doesn't know how to swim.
  • Struggles with her self-worth and mental health issues.




Sel used to live at “Heavenly Isles” known as a place where many angels reside at, consists of floating islands above the clouds, only accessible by a portal or by flying. The place is closed off permanently by now by order of Zeus and other heavenly gods like Raphael. During this time, she was split off from her family when she was 8 and lived with Gran and Poppy since then.
Her father is an ex-archangel while her mom is an ex-demon general. They met when they were fighting against each other.

For a lot of her life, Sel lived in fear of being hunted or being killed by hunters. Having past experiences of being taken away by organizations for being a hybrids and for being treated as less of an equal for who she was. Because of this and the fact that over the years she'd had lost many friends before.

She used to be best friends with Nelphina until they broke apart after Nel's parents died from human hunters and she developed a hatred for humans.

During a fight, Sel lashed out and damaged Nel's eye trying to protect poppy and since then she was never able to forgive herself.

When she was 10 she was kidnapped along with Lucien by hunters and those trying to sell them off on the black magic market and or to possibly kill them off or worse until she was eventually found and saved thanks to Sel's quick thinking.

During her life, Sel has faced a lot of trauma, from abusive and toxic friendships to having her trust and kindness taken to granted., a lot of trauma she refuses to talk about.

Such as at the facility, with all the testing they had to go through and seeing the horrific nightmarish monsters, nearly having her wings chopped off.

Or in another case, being touched/groped against her own consent, though thankfully nothing further than that.

Besides the cases of trauma she had, she also experiences terrible anxiety and depression, though she carries on the best she can for Cal and Poppy.

May even be slightly suicidal.

But she doesn't want to admit she's not okay, she doesnt want to admit that she hasn't been okay for years or that maybe sometimes she gets overwhelmed.

That sometimes her dreams feel like the only escape, just like death....but she can't leave...
not when she cares for so many people out there.

Yet why does she feel so cruel to want to be happy or to not feel this way anymore..?

Sel dreams a lot, a lot of vivid dreams, dreams that she can remember in quite a lot of details, and which in these dreams, she always see these two people, Charlotte and Aleksei, but sometimes, she never remembers the meetings, but she could never expect that this would tie her to the demon king lucifers son Aleksei and his siblings.












-  TBA