🏜️ Awru 🏜️



8 months, 22 days ago



Name: Awru Te Tayamey Oiwok'ite

Sex: Cis Female (she/her)

Age: 18

Species: Na'vi (Desert Cave Variant)

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Height: 9'5"

Personality Traits: Quiet. Tranquil. Shy.

Awru likes to keep to herself. She lives alone in a small hill side cave where she spends most of her time painting and making toys to trade for goods in the marketplace. She's not a good hunter and can only catch small, weak prey.

She was orphaned an infant and was raised by several mothers in the clan. She was never adopted by any na'vi, and became independent when she turned 17.

Species Notes:

- This is a fictional fanmade na'vi clan!! I made a bunch of things up, but I tried to stay as canon as I could to James Cameron's na'vi lore.

- Desert caveΒ na'vi has short tails & queues. Their queues have short hair, and their tails are hairless. They typically have curly hair. They have sandy slightly-green colored skin and dark green-blue eyes. They have long nails to help them dig in the sand and climb the caves/hills/rock formations.

- They aren't very flashy in color when it comes to their attire because they rely heavily on stealth when hiding or hunting. They wear minimal jewelry to minimize sound.

- Awru's clothing: the wraps are made from plant fibers, the redish-pink fur fabric is from a canine-boar-like creature, and the black fabric is woven from a sheep-like creature.

Design Notes:

- She has 4 fingers and a thumb! Normal na'vi have 3 fingers and a thumb. Awru is a polydactyl; she was born with an extra digit on both hands. (Like me in real life πŸ‘€) This extra finger is shorter than the rest.