Miles Hills



8 months, 4 days ago


Name: Miles Hills

Alias/ known name: Marco

Height: 5’2

Age: 24

Birthday: November 15

Occupation: black market informant dealer, hacker 

Personality: exhausted with a messed up sleep schedule, Miles tends to overwork herself by taking jobs back to back. She’s a light hearted humorous character who makes a lot of mistakes and gets herself into a lot of trouble. She also had a bad habit of sweating like a sailor. Miles tends to live a very paranoid life due to her occupation, she moved apartments every 3 months in order to stay hidden from gangs.

Likes: black coffee, coffee cakes, instant ramen, easy foods, goldfish and koi, Isabella her twin sister, the smell of fresh washed laundry, teasing and messing around, knives

Dislikes: guns, cats, super sweet foods, her parents, the countryside, farming and laborious activities.

Backstory: Miles was born with a twin sister Isabella, both girls raised in a mansion to the countryside to rich parents. They were kidnapped for ransom at age 11 and Isabella was killed in the process before Miles escaped and so did her sister’s killer. She left the household at 16 in search for her sister’s killer before becoming caught up in the black market. Eventually Miles formed a life as Marco the information dealer. She still searches for the man who killed her sister.