Iris "Sterling"



8 months, 16 days ago



the iris flower symbolises faith, courage, and hope

"I am a flower, blossoming after enduring a harsh winter; finally, I have found my freedom."

The forest was transformed into a winter wonderland, with a pristine blanket of snow covering the landscape. It was a sight that young Iris, or rather, the young fox, had never seen before. Her soft white fur blended seamlessly with the snowy terrain as she bounded through the woods. Her heart raced with exhilaration as she leaped through the drifts, her agile fox form making her movements appear effortless. The world had suddenly become a vast playground, and for the first time in her life, she felt unburdened and free. Snowflakes danced around her, catching the golden glow of the winter sun. Iris paused to let a few delicate flakes land on her nose, her whiskers twitching with curiosity. She gave a playful shake, sending a shower of snow crystals into the air. With renewed energy, she dashed through the forest, her small paws leaving delicate tracks in the snow. She couldn't resist the urge to chase her own tail, spinning in dizzying circles as her white coat shimmered like spun silk in the sunlight. Iris's laughter, though unspoken, echoed through the serene forest. It was a sensation she had never known before, a feeling of pure, unadulterated freedom she had never experienced in her own family's embrace.








Unconventional Cuisine

Sterling enjoys trying unusual and exotic foods during her travels. She has a taste for unique dishes like insects, rare fruits, and regional delicacies that others might find strange. Sterling's approach to unconventional cuisine goes beyond mere curiosity; it's a way for her to break down barriers and foster connections with people she meets. She believes that sharing a meal, no matter how unusual, is a universal way to bond with others. She often seeks out local markets, street food vendors, and small, family-run eateries to discover hidden gems of unconventional cuisine. This approach allows her to engage with locals and learn about their traditions.

Silk Painting

Sterling enjoys silk painting as a form of artistic expression. Her silk paintings often depict scenes from her travels, capturing the essence of the landscapes and cultures she encounters. She was taught at a young age as a tradition that she still continues to this day. Sterling finds solace in her painting, she often draws inspiration from the natural world. She may paint intricate scenes of cherry blossoms in bloom, serene forest landscapes, or vibrant tropical gardens. The colors and textures of silk allow her to bring these scenes to life. Sterling occasionally accepts commissions from patrons who appreciate her talent. She might create custom silk paintings for individuals who want to commemorate a special event, such as a wedding or the birth of a child. Sometimes she may do it rarely as a parting gift to someone or a thankyou.


Swordsmanship has been a cherished tradition in her noble family for generations. Sterling was introduced to it at a young age and felt a strong connection to her family's history through this martial art. Sterling values the discipline and mental focus that swordsmanship demands. The rigorous training has taught her patience, perseverance, and the ability to maintain a clear mind even in challenging situations, skills she finds useful in all aspects of her life. Swordsmanship has instilled in Sterling a deep sense of confidence and empowerment. Knowing that she can defend herself and others in challenging situations gives her a sense of self-assuredness and inner strength.


Sterling's aventurous spirit is driven by her insatiable curiosity and fascination with the unknown. She thrives on the excitement of exploring uncharted territories, discovering hidden treasures, and unraveling mysteries that lie beyond the horizon. Her upbringing in a noble family with rigid traditions and expectations fueled her desire for adventure. It's a way for her to break free from the confines of societal norms and discover her own path in life. The thrill of discovery is a driving force behind her adventures. Whether it's unearthing a hidden gem of antique trinkets or mastering a new sword technique, Sterling thrives on the joy of uncovering something new and exciting.


Excessive Materialism

Sterling firmly believes that a person's true worth is not determined by their material possessions or wealth. Instead, she places great importance on one's inner character, virtues, and the impact they have on the world. Her upbringing in a noble family exposed her to the trappings of wealth and privilege. However, she witnessed the emptiness and superficiality that often accompanied excessive materialism within her own family and social circles. Sterling actively seeks to distance herself from the materialistic mindset she observed growing up Sterling has observed that excessive materialism can lead to shallow and transactional relationships. Sterling has found contentment and fulfillment in a simpler way of life.

Unsolicited advice

Sterling highly values personal autonomy and the ability to make her own decisions. Unsolicited advice can come across as an intrusion into her independence, implying that others know what's best for her. She trusts her own judgment and believes in her ability to make informed decisions. She recognizes the value of learning from mistakes and experiences. Unsolicited advice may prevent her from making her own choices, including those that lead to valuable life lessons. While she values her independence, Sterling is open to learning from others when she seeks guidance. However disrupting that simply can be perceived as an attempt to educate her without her consent, which she finds disrespectful.

Warm Weather

Sterling has a relatively low tolerance for high temperatures. She tends to become uncomfortable and fatigued quickly in warm weather, which can hinder her ability to engage in physical activities and exploration. When planning her adventures, Sterling often seeks out locations with milder or cooler climates. She's drawn to regions with temperate weather, where she can comfortably explore and engage in her favorite activities. Sterling is conscious of the importance of staying hydrated in warm weather to prevent dehydration and heat-related illnesses. She often carries water and takes precautions to ensure she doesn't become overheated during her adventures.

Early Morning

During her upbringing in a noble family, Sterling was expected to wake up at dawn for various family-related commitments, such as formal gatherings, meetings, or ceremonial events. These early morning obligations were imposed on her as a part of her family's traditions and responsibilities. Being required to wake up early for family duties meant that Sterling had limited control over her own schedule and sleep patterns. This lack of personal freedom and autonomy had left her feeling resentful and constrained. Sterling prefers quiet and tranquil mornings, where she can ease into the day at her own pace. As she distances herself from her family and their traditions, Sterling adopted a different lifestyle and schedule that better suits her personal preferences and values.



adventurous spirit

In a quaint rural village nestled in a picturesque corner of the world, a noble family awaited the arrival of their newest member. For generations, the family had endured the trials and tribulations of childbirth, with each pregnancy bringing not only joy but also hardship and ridicule from the community.This time, however, there was an air of anticipation and hope. The noblewoman, burdened by her previous struggles, believed that this child's birth would be the family's salvation. Little did they know that this child, Iris, would be destined for a life filled with extraordinary experiences. From the moment Iris entered the world, her presence seemed to herald a newfound era of happiness. Her infancy was marked by her mother's tender embrace and loving care. Iris, with her bright eyes and a radiant smile, never left her mother's side. She would shyly peer from behind her mother's leg, like a bashful sunbeam, filling their home with warmth and laughter.As she grew, Iris discovered an exceptional gift within herself—a power passed down through her family's lineage. She could shape-shift into the form of a beautiful white fox. This magical transformation granted her a sense of freedom and wonder that she cherished. With each shift into her fox form, she explored the natural world with boundless curiosity and joy.


Yet, as Iris grew older, she began to unravel the dark secrets of her noble family. She uncovered a legacy of deceit, exploitation, and cruelty that had spanned generations. Her family had harmed innocent people, and her mother had suffered the most, ridiculed and mistreated due to her struggles with pregnancy. The weight of this revelation hung heavy on Iris's shoulders. The once-idyllic image of her noble lineage crumbled before her eyes. And when her beloved mother fell gravely ill and passed away, Iris felt the shackles of her family's oppressive culture tighten. With a heavy heart and disillusioned spirit, Iris made a courageous decision—to leave behind the estate and change her name, "Sterling". It had been both her sanctuary and her prison. She set out on a journey of self-discovery, armed with her fox shapeshifting ability, a journal, and a burning desire to uncover the world's mysteries.

Iris roamed the lush forests, scaled the rugged mountains, and explored serene lakeshores. Her journal became a repository of her experiences, observations, and the natural beauty that surrounded her. Each entry reflected her growing connection to the world. During her travels, she encountered diverse landscapes, unique flora and fauna, and people from different walks of life. These encounters broadened her perspective and deepened her understanding of the world. She also honed her skills, both as a martial artist and as an artist practicing silk painting. Her path was no longer defined by her family's legacy but by her own choices and the values she held dear. With each step, Sterling embraced her newfound independence and the beauty of the world around her. Her journey was a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the boundless potential for transformation and self-discovery.

values and principles

Sterling possesses an insatiable appetite for adventure ever since leaving her family home. Her zest for exploring the unknown drives her to seek out new places, cultures, and experiences. She thrives in situations where she can push her boundaries and discover the beauty and mysteries of the world. Sterling values her independence and autonomy. She is not swayed by societal norms or peer pressure and prefers to make decisions based on her own principles and convictions. Her independent thinking often leads her to unique and unconventional paths. Her demeanor carries an air of elegance and grace. Sterling's movements and actions are often marked by a refined and poised quality, reflecting her appreciation for aesthetics and beauty.

Sterling deeply dislikes injustice and oppression in any form. She is quick to speak out against those who exploit others or abuse their power, and she actively works to right these wrongs. She has little patience for individuals who display arrogance and hubris, believing that humility and respect for others are far more admirable qualities. Sterling believes that mutual respect and collaboration are essential in any interaction, and arrogance often hinders such dynamics. Sterling sees personal growth and self-improvement as essential aspects of life. It can stop personal growth by creating a false sense of superiority that prevents individuals from acknowledging their flaws and weaknesses. Sterling has little tolerance for dishonesty and deception. She dislikes when people engage in deceitful practices that undermine trust. She quickly distances herself from individuals as soon as she detects any dishonesty, choosing not to invest her time and energy in those who cannot maintain transparency. Sterling strongly dislikes discrimination and prejudice based on factors such as race, gender, or social status. She believes in the importance of treating all individuals with fairness and respect.


  • Sterling always carries a small, intricately carved wooden fox amulet with her. It's a heirloom that has been passed down from her mother and is said to bring protection and luck to its bearer.
  • Sterling owns a katana, the katana itself is a work of art, crafted with precision and care. Its blade is distinctive for being white, a rare and unusual choice. The white blade symbolizes purity, honor, and a departure from traditional black or silver blades. This choice reflects Sterling's desire to forge her own path and embrace her individuality. The katana also possesses a magical enchantment that allows it to channel and project fire magic. When Sterling wields the sword and focuses her energy, the blade can burst into flames, turning it into a formidable weapon in combat. Due to her extreme discomfort of the heat that is produced, she uses this ability rarely. Often flares it as a deterrent. The colour of the sword may also intensify the more magic and feeling she put into it.
  • Sterling's ability to whistle with uncanny accuracy is not just a casual talent; it's a finely honed skill that she has cultivated over the years. She can mimic the calls of various birds, from the haunting melodies of owls to the cheerful chirping of sparrows, with remarkable precision. Sterling's proficiency in mimicking birdcalls stems from her deep connection to the natural world. Growing up, she spent countless hours surrounded by the serene beauty of rural forest area she used live in, where the songs of birds were a constant backdrop to her childhood. She learned to appreciate the melodies of the avian world and yearned to communicate with it.
  • When Sterling transforms into her fox form, her ability to mimic birdcalls remains intact. Her vocal range adapts to the characteristics of a fox, but she can still produce birdcalls with uncanny accuracy. This unique skill becomes an integral part of her identity as a fox shapeshifter. In her fox form, Sterling uses her birdcall mimicry to blend seamlessly into the natural environment. By mimicking the calls of local birds, she can move discreetly through the wilderness without drawing attention to herself. When hunting for food, Sterling can mimic the calls of small prey birds like sparrows or finches to attract potential meals. This gives her an advantage in catching prey. If she senses danger, Sterling can emit birdcalls that act as warning signals to alert other animals in the area. This not only helps protect herself but also contributes to the safety of the local wildlife.
  • Iris's name, chosen because it reflects her birth flower, is deeply symbolic and significant to her identity. The iris flower, known for its striking and vibrant petals, holds a special place in her heart. Just as the iris blooms with beauty and grace, so does Iris herself, radiating a natural charm and warmth. In her noble family, it is a tradition to name children after the flowers that correspond to their birth months. Iris was born in a season when irises were in full bloom, and her parents saw this as a sign of hope and renewal. Thus, they named her "Iris" to celebrate her birth and the positive change she brought to their lives. As Iris undergoes a transformation in her adulthood, distancing herself from her family and embracing a new path, she decides to change her name to "Sterling." This name change represents her desire to shed the old identity associated with her family's oppressive legacy and embrace a new sense of self.
  • Sterling's fascination with origami began during her childhood, where she would spend hours folding paper into simple shapes and animals. As she honed her craft over the years, her origami skills evolved from basic creations to intricate and awe-inspiring sculptures. Sterling sees origami as a way to connect with people and spread a little kindness along her journey. Wherever she goes, she carries a small supply of specially treated paper in her travel pack. When she encounters strangers or locals during her travels, she often surprises them with her delicate creations. These origami tokens serve as gestures of goodwill, fostering connections with the people she meets. Whether it's a beautifully folded bird left on someone's windowsill or a meticulously crafted lotus flower offered to a host, Sterling's origami gifts leave a lasting impression on those who receive them.




"I was told of a mysterious women who's an expert of medicine. But when I heard about how the forest is filled with creatures I never seen. I had to see it myself. This person I met was a very warm, very genuine - I will visit again to see how her magic works. Its almost like she is a legend in a forbidden forest, untouch by time itself."


Character Name

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Character Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas facilisis ex quis enim condimentum, vulputate elementum lacus viverra. Donec non dui id augue pellentesque aliquam et eget felis. Aliquam erat volutpat.