
6 years, 3 days ago

Basic Info

Goes by...








Hair color:

Light violet

Eye color:

Black, purple tint

Magic type:

Ability to create dreams and cause sleep

Special notes:

Wings are smaller in the daytime and full size at night


Once upon the time, there was a little summoner who slipped into the world of dreams and never woke up. He became a spirit who let other people put themselves and others to sleep and craft vivid dreams for them. As a spirit he grew stronger and stronger until he was able to break out of the spirit realm and return to the physical world.

Elio hatched from a geode as a small dragon, as unaware of his past as any newborn. (That is, as far as everyone was concerned, he had no past.) As he grew, he found he had the ability to put others to sleep and to create their dreams. Dreams were very important to Elio who saw them as an important tool for self-discovery and enlightenment. He put careful work into the dreams he created, using symbolism that he created to guide people down the right path. Despite his young age, he was very serious about his powers which he saw as his personal duty to use. He carried around a handmade notebook where he outlined the symbols used in his dreams and their meanings.

As serious as he was, though, he was still a child in the end. He enjoyed playing on the mountain where he lived as well as on the beach at the of the mountain. And grudges were as easy as laughter for him - which is to say, somewhat easy. He had a low tolerance for people who interrupted his work, though he didn't care as much if they slacked off on their own. Although the fastest way to win him over was to follow his serious, studious example, pure earnestness and kindness also softened his heart and let him relax more himself.