
8 months, 10 days ago


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Theris Amvier


"My life's one never-ending carnival" - Noel's Lament


  • CREATOR Homeslice Dawg
  • DESIGNER Homeslice Dawg
  • OBTAINED BY Homeslice Dawg
  • Campaign Friend's Homebrew
  • ROLE DnD Character
  • VOICE Angel Dust - Hazbin Hotel
  • AEsthetic Clowncore


This character is an extremely new one. He's my input on like a slutty clowncore vibe. I've ALWAYS wanted a clown oc so I was super excited when I was allowed to make him for a campaign!

He's a solid mix between Angel Dust (Hazbin Hotel), Pinkie Pie (My Little Pony), Fizzerolli (Helluva Boss), and a character called Truffaldino (The Three Oranges play). To sum it up for those who don't know those characters, he's a pretty vocal and obnoxious clown character with a flirty attitude. He'll flirt and compliment anyone just to get what he wants. It works quite well with him being a bard.

He's not very strong (or smart for that matter) but he's extremely charasmatic. He can basically talk his way through anything he wants. He's pretty stupid though so sometimes he slips up. He's got pretty okay intentions.


  • AGE 66
  • BIRTHDAY Unknown
  • Species Tiefling
  • HEIGHT 6'0
  • WEIGHT 140
  • GENDER Demiboy (He/they)
  • Class Bard
  • Background Criminal
  • Level 2
  • ARCHETYPE The Dreamer
  • SEXUALITY Pansexual
  • SOCIAL STANDING Comedic Relief
  • STATUS Single
  • Alignment Chaotic neutral
  • RESIDENCE On the move
  • RELIGION Atheist


Enthusiastic • Outgoing • Friendly

He's an extremely extroverted individual. He loves to talk to people and make conversation whenever they can. He could talk forever about any topic you wanted, even if he knows nothing about it. He'll improv it if he has too.

Their main goal with people is to just make sure that they're smiling and happy. He loves seeing grins and will go above and beyond to make sure that you're alright.

Unorganized • Unintelligent • Overly flirty

This man would run straight into battle with only a kazoo in his hand. He doesn't understand what's happening most of the time and is just happy to be there. He flirts with anyone he gets the chance to (with permission of course, he will stop if they are obviously uncomfortable).


Creators Note

His story is pretty underdeveloped to be honest. The campaign is still in it's starting stages, so I'm still piecing things together. Most of what you'll read is just improved bullshit that I've put down and plan to edit or stick to.


TW: Loss of family member, abuse, criminal activity, prostotution.

Theris grew up in a small town, pretty far away from any other civilization. He spend his time talking to creatures in the forest or singing his heart out. His parents weren't very present in his life, although he did have a loving mother. Father was mostly at work all the time, so he bonded with her. He'd show her his talents and she'd applaud. He performed his own little shows at home for years, rehearsing in his room for the next one.

After some time, his mother got very ill. His father was stressed all the time and would often take it out on him. Theris would run out of the house and disappear for weeks at a time, returning without a word. He had his own camp set out in the forest that he'd escape to. He'd trick people in town with basic magic tricks that he learned in books. The people would give him money for these performances. He also would steal the money from them without them knowing. He used this for food and to buy his mother's medicine.

After years of going through this same routine over and over, his mother passed away. He began permanetly living in the woods and continued his tricks. He got caught by one of the guards when taking a necklace from a woman's purse and was thrown in prison. He stayed for only a small time, managing to get out and run back to his home.

The camp was ruined. It was ripped apart and most of his wealthy belongings were gone. He took what was salvagable and ran, never looking back. He moved to other towns, performing his tricks, his scams, and eventually resulting to selling himself on the streets to be able to pay for a roof over his head. He didn't mind too much, the people were usually pretty kind or it was their first time doing that sort of thing.

Eventually he came across an assassin (Plutonium's character Reidayr) that cornered him into an alleyway. He played his games, performing his tricks and music until she was confused and gave up. After quite some time Reidayr and him became good friends, now traveling together.

They found themselves at a festival filled with games. The place was lively. This is where their adventure would begin.





It's kinda like a mother with a toddler. She basically keeps him out of trouble and he brings a smile to her face.


Met by Reidayr being sent to kill him, but he managed to get out of the whole situation by using his charasima. Reidayr took him under her wing and now they travel together.


  • She's quiet and serious while he's a flirty idiot.
  • When they first met, she was more confused and shocked then amused by his performance. He taught her how to do it. They lived together for some time before going on their trip.
  • He sometimes talks to the other head of hers even though it won't respond. He has his own conversations through improv.
  • She takes care of him most of the time, but on her weak days he pulls through and takes care of her. She doesn't accept his care often but appreciates it.



Describe the relationship dynamic here. Do they fight often, or do they get along really well? Is there a power imbalance between them, or are they on equal standing? Is there mutual trust and respect between one another, or is it one-sided? How is their communication? Do they talk things out with each other or try to understand the other, or are misunderstandings frequent between them?

Curabitur ultrices sapien velit, sit amet bibendum lacus facilisis vitae. Praesent facilisis sem vel maximus bibendum. Vestibulum eros lorem, pretium a enim ac, pulvinar commodo ipsum. Vestibulum dictum tortor ac commodo commodo. Nam id leo at risus aliquam accumsan. Quisque mollis vulputate nisi, a consectetur augue dapibus in. Nulla commodo sagittis turpis eget aliquam. Ut auctor interdum nisi, nec ultricies orci lobortis ac. Suspendisse nulla diam, vulputate in porta et, pellentesque quis eros. Nunc a elementum magna. Sed nec blandit purus. Nam nunc quam, tincidunt nec vulputate et, ultrices ut neque. Vivamus at aliquet lorem. Proin auctor sem nec ex hendrerit tristique.


Briefly describe the characters' history with each other. How did they first meet (if applicable)? What were their initial thoughts on the other? How did their relationship progress? Was it a smooth progress, or were there a lot of bumps along the way? Did they hit it off pretty well at first, or did they take some time to warm up to one another? Did something happen that caused their relationship to change, for better or worse?

Suspendisse potenti. Duis tempus at felis feugiat volutpat. Ut sit amet arcu turpis. Curabitur at arcu enim. Donec ultricies convallis mi. Quisque ac enim eget magna placerat dignissim quis id ligula. Aliquam porttitor ante dui, iaculis eleifend neque vulputate in. Mauris nisi eros, sagittis nec aliquet et, pharetra sit amet libero. Phasellus rutrum odio at nibh elementum convallis vitae et odio. Integer sed feugiat dolor, vitae maximus massa. Sed eu varius enim. Morbi varius, leo ac vulputate venenatis, nibh enim ultrices mi, sed ultricies odio mi eget metus.


  • Put trivia facts about the characters' relationship here. It can be anything you want that you think is worth noting.
  • Duis sed tempor turpis. Sed tincidunt quam ut enim placerat, quis mattis erat tristique.
  • Donec eget sollicitudin justo, gravida iaculis ex. Nam auctor felis nunc, in posuere dui suscipit at. Nulla aliquet mauris eget felis tempor faucibus.
  • Fusce egestas placerat nulla ac porttitor. In tortor diam, eleifend id sollicitudin ac, auctor vitae sapien. Donec facilisis urna eu tempus sodales.



Describe the relationship dynamic here. Do they fight often, or do they get along really well? Is there a power imbalance between them, or are they on equal standing? Is there mutual trust and respect between one another, or is it one-sided? How is their communication? Do they talk things out with each other or try to understand the other, or are misunderstandings frequent between them?

Curabitur ultrices sapien velit, sit amet bibendum lacus facilisis vitae. Praesent facilisis sem vel maximus bibendum. Vestibulum eros lorem, pretium a enim ac, pulvinar commodo ipsum. Vestibulum dictum tortor ac commodo commodo. Nam id leo at risus aliquam accumsan. Quisque mollis vulputate nisi, a consectetur augue dapibus in. Nulla commodo sagittis turpis eget aliquam. Ut auctor interdum nisi, nec ultricies orci lobortis ac. Suspendisse nulla diam, vulputate in porta et, pellentesque quis eros. Nunc a elementum magna. Sed nec blandit purus. Nam nunc quam, tincidunt nec vulputate et, ultrices ut neque. Vivamus at aliquet lorem. Proin auctor sem nec ex hendrerit tristique.


Briefly describe the characters' history with each other. How did they first meet (if applicable)? What were their initial thoughts on the other? How did their relationship progress? Was it a smooth progress, or were there a lot of bumps along the way? Did they hit it off pretty well at first, or did they take some time to warm up to one another? Did something happen that caused their relationship to change, for better or worse?

Suspendisse potenti. Duis tempus at felis feugiat volutpat. Ut sit amet arcu turpis. Curabitur at arcu enim. Donec ultricies convallis mi. Quisque ac enim eget magna placerat dignissim quis id ligula. Aliquam porttitor ante dui, iaculis eleifend neque vulputate in. Mauris nisi eros, sagittis nec aliquet et, pharetra sit amet libero. Phasellus rutrum odio at nibh elementum convallis vitae et odio. Integer sed feugiat dolor, vitae maximus massa. Sed eu varius enim. Morbi varius, leo ac vulputate venenatis, nibh enim ultrices mi, sed ultricies odio mi eget metus.


  • Put trivia facts about the characters' relationship here. It can be anything you want that you think is worth noting.
  • Duis sed tempor turpis. Sed tincidunt quam ut enim placerat, quis mattis erat tristique.
  • Donec eget sollicitudin justo, gravida iaculis ex. Nam auctor felis nunc, in posuere dui suscipit at. Nulla aliquet mauris eget felis tempor faucibus.
  • Fusce egestas placerat nulla ac porttitor. In tortor diam, eleifend id sollicitudin ac, auctor vitae sapien. Donec facilisis urna eu tempus sodales.


Essentric • Unusual • Electric

He's your classic clown! You know, the pulling balloons out of nowhere, playing music whenever he can, breaking the fourth wall, all that jazz!

He walks pretty fast everywhere he is and NEVER shuts up. He'll talk forever if you let him. He's a curious guy so he likes to point out every little detail about anything he can.


Talks constantly

My guy never shuts up. Even if being threatened or interogated he'll still crack a joke or point out a flaw. He doesn't understand what he says most of the time and will forget when he finds something new.

Walks on his toes

Heels can never touch the ground with him. He is always bouncing around and finds it more agile. He loves being fast and zooming around.

Flirts with randos

He will flirt with people, with and without knowing. He'll throw a strangely specific compliment or hold onto someone without thinking. He sometimes does it on purpose to get what he wants, or just because it's funny to him.

Can sleep in any position

He sleeps constantly, especially if he's bored. He's either wide awake or passed out. He could sleep standing, sitting, upside down, criss cross, anyway basically. With him being extremely flexible, he finds himself waking up in strange poses.

Brutually honest

Theris will point out every little detail about you, even the bad ones or embarrassing ones. He doesn't realize when he's offended someone most of the time either so he'll just keep going. He means no harm.



Speaks way too much and very quickly. He doesn't pay attention to what he's even saying a lot of the time either.


He'll point out something super specific about a person. He also will compliment them in some manner.


Constantly, but only when he's comfortable enough. So usually around his group. He never swears when talking to someone who he doesn't know well or in a professional setting.


Speaks with his hands and can't hold eye contact well.


"Quote goes here."

—to whom or when they said this quote

"Quote goes here."

—to whom or when they said this quote

"Quote goes here."

—to whom or when they said this quote



He stands prett upright and is very bouncy. He moves like a living cartoon character.


He doesn't smoke or do any drugs. He has drank a few times, but not much.


  • Possibly schizophrenic
  • Autistic
  • PTSD

He constantly hallucinates. Often seeing people who aren't there or speaking to shadows.


  • None really

The most I could say is he's a pretty underweight, but he's pretty good.

Physically he's alright. He doesn't have many problems except for being underweight. He tries to eat more but has been fighting eating problems his whole life.

Mentally he's got quite a lot of problems. He's pretty insane to be honest, but he keeps it together around most. He hallucinates and has voices inside his head. He has extreme PTSD from living on the streets, selling himself, and his father.


Tiefling Features

Within 60 feet of him, treat dim light as bright, and darkness as dim light. Gain fire resistance Can cast the thaumaturgy cantrip. A 3rd lvl, hellish rebuke (1/day). At 5th lvl, darkness (1/day) (use Cha for DCs)

Criminal Feature

You know someone who can connect you with other criminals.

Bard Features

Inspire an ally within 60 feet, giving them a bonus of 1d6 on one ability check, attack roll, or save (Cha mod per day). Gain half your proficiency bonus on ability checks you aren't proficient in. You can perform during a short rest to cause an ally or yourself to gain an additional 1d6 hp (once) if healed during the rest. Inspiration can increase spell damage/healing


Armor Prof

Light armor

Weapon Prof

Simple weapons Hand crossbows Longswords Rapiers Shortswords

Tool Prof

Dice set Theives' Tools Kazoo Lute Trumpet


Common Infernal



Vicious Mockery (Cantrip)

You unleash a string of insults laced with subtle enchantments at a creature you can see within range. If the target can hear you (though it need not understand you), it must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or take 1d4 psychic damage and have disadvantage on the next attack roll it makes before the end of its next turn.
At Higher Levels. This spell’s damage increases by 1d4 when you reach 5th level (2d4), 11th level (3d4), and 17th level (4d4).


Message (Cantrip)

You point your finger toward a creature within range and whisper a message. The target (and only the target) hears the message and can reply in a whisper that only you can hear.
You can cast this spell through solid objects if you are familiar with the target and know it is beyond the barrier. Magical silence, 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood blocks the spell. The spell doesn’t have to follow a straight line and can travel freely around corners or through openings.


Color Spray (Level 1 Spell)

A dazzling array of flashing, colored light springs from your hand. Roll 6d10, the total is how many hit points of creatures this spell can effect. Creatures in a 15-foot cone originating from you are affected in ascending order of their current hit points (ignoring unconscious creatures and creatures that can’t see).
Starting with the creature that has the lowest current hit points, each creature affected by this spell is blinded until the end of your next turn. Subtract each creature’s hit points from the total before moving on to the creature with the next lowest hit points. A creature’s hit points must be equal to or less than the remaining total for the creature to be affected.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, roll an additional 2d10 for each slot level above 1st.


Comprehend Languages (Level 1 Spell)

For the duration, you understand the literal meaning of any spoken language that you hear. You also understand any written language that you see, but you must be touching the surface on which the words are written. It takes about 1 minute to read one page of text.
This spell doesn’t decode secret messages in a text or glyph, such as an arcane sigil, that isn’t part of a written language.


Disguise Self (Level 1 Spell)

You make yourself – including your clothing, armor, weapons, and other belongings on your person – look different until the spell ends or until you use your action to dismiss it. You can seem 1 foot shorter or taller and can appear thin, fat, or in between. You can’t change your body type, so you must adopt a form that has the same basic arrangement of limbs. Otherwise, the extent of the illusion is up to you.
The changes wrought by this spell fail to hold up to physical inspection. For example, if you use this spell to add a hat to your outfit, objects pass through the hat, and anyone who touches it would feel nothing or would feel your head and hair. If you use this spell to appear thinner than you are, the hand of someone who reaches out to touch you would bump into you while it was seemingly still in midair. To discern that you are disguised, a creature can use its action to inspect your appearance and must succeed on an Intelligence (Investigation) check against your spell save DC.


Healing Word (Level 1 Spell)

A creature of your choice that you can see within range regains hit points equal to 1d4 + your spellcasting ability modifier. This spell has no effect on undead or constructs.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the healing increases by 1d4 for each slot level above 1st.



Your gesture forces one humanoid you can see within range to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the target must move up to its speed in a direction you choose. In addition, you can cause the target to drop whatever it is holding. This spell has no effect on a humanoid that is immune to being charmed.



Basic Info

Proficency: +2 Strength: -1 Inspiration: 3d6


+3 proficiency, 1d4+1 damage (20/60, piercing)



+3 proficiency, 1d8+1 damage (5 feet, piercing)


Strength (9,-1, -1)

Intelligence (11, 0, 0)

Dexterity (12, +1, +3)

Wisdom (10, 0, 0)

Constitution (11, 0, 0)

Charisma (17, +3, +5)

Health (13/13. Armor class 12. Hit dice 2d8, initiative 2)

Speed (30 feet per second)


  • Bright colors
  • Shiny objects
  • People
  • Games
  • Music


  • Silence
  • Being in the dark
  • Being without his makeup
  • Bland / muddy colors
  • His father


  • FOOD Apples
  • DRINK Mead
  • COLOUR Red
  • NUMBER 20
  • WEATHER Sunny
  • ANIMAL Lion
  • HOLIDAY Halloween
  • SEASON Spring
  • TIME OF DAY Noon
  • Instrument Kazoo (lol)




He loves performing his music. Mostly it's just through instruments and little songs. He doesn't sing as often, but still has an amazing time doing that. He loves annoying people with the kazoo.


Writing and doodling

He loves to write about his day and draw little doodles of his friends. He loves sharing them with people and talking about his creations.



Theris will do anything for attention. He loves performing magic tricks and acts to people, sometimes even earning money or items because of it.


Stick with Reidayr

He just wants to keep her safe. She's just about the only person he trusts.

Moving Away

He wants to get as far away from his home town as possible. He wants away from his dad and away from his town. He hates it there. He does miss his fort/camp there though.

Enjoy the Ride!

He just loves enjoying the adventure. He writes down a lot of what happens and enjoys holding onto little treasures.


Make New Friends

Bro just wants to get to know people. He loves meeting new people and making conversation.

Make others happy

He just wants to make others smile. He loves seeing a grin.

Have a Home

He hasn't ever really been stable. He wants a place where he can just rest his feet in the evenings and be comfortable. Being energetic all the time eventually gets exhausting.



As I mentioned, he hallucinates all the time. He usually keeps it to himself due to overtime learning what's real and wrong. Although, sometimes he messes this up and gets confused. People have found him muttering to himself or looking at shadows.


Under his makeup isn't really anything special. Although, he has major facial dysphoria and prefers to keep the dramatic face paint on. He does have a couple scars on his face due to his father and the forest. He hates seeing his own face without makeup since he looks like his dad.


He lies to people often about his childhood, making up a different story everytime. Nobody else knows his actual childhood. He likes to make the story super dramatic and exciting, just to make others smile. Everytime someone asks him for the truth, he just replies "ignorance is bliss" with a toothy grin.



When he left, he didn't tell his father. His dad thought it was another breakdown and him running to his camp. Theris is terrified that one day his dad will find him, that's why he's always on the run.

The Dark

Whenever he's in the dark the hallucinations get more vibrant. They are more obvious to him. He hears things and sees movement constantly in the dark. It messes with his brain and drives him crazy. He misses the quiet.

Criminal Background

Since he escaped prison, he's always a little skeptical around officers and guards. He doesn't want to be noticed and have to go back. The mak p helps hide his identity.


  • I had such an amazing time making his design. I actually went through 5 different color palletes / designs for him! This was the final one which was a combination of the other four. Might use the other ones for other ocs.
  • He is actually my first fully developed clown character! Sure, I've made sketches in the past of other ideas, but he's the first fully done one!!
  • The color pallete was the hardest part to figure out. It took me way too long. He went through 4 other designs which I have written down as Candy Cane, Cupcake, GINGER, and most clown like one. Very descriptive...
  • The kazoo that he uses is based off of the character Truffaldino. I'm involved with the play The Three Oranges, and for our development of it the clown/jester character often uses a kazoo!


  • HE CROSSDRESSES! Draw him in whatever outfits you want!! They don't stick to a specific "gender norm" for his outfits. Everything just has to fit his color pallete and be clown themed. Dresses, skirts, suits, button ups, anything as long as it's clown themed!
  • He's always wearing his makeup. Feel free to change the design of it, as long as it fits the color pallete and the words "fun and flirty". Also has very drastic looks. Nothing subtle or normal.
  • The bottom of his hair (the part sticking out of the ponytail thingy?) is based off of a lion. They have their hair like that to remind them of their favorite animal! They can also retract their claws so that reminds them of one too.
  • His shoes add about 5 inches to his height? So technically they're like 6'5.





Hour glass, very feminine


Round but the dramatic lashes give him a more square / sharp shape.




Afro with some of the extra hair tucked into a long ponytail. Also the hair on the end of his tail is shaped into a heart.

Color Pallete:

It's basically primary colors, black, and white.

Teeth and Mouth:

Their teeth are a yellow color. The gums and tongue are a bright orange!


DRAMATIC! Very dramatic designs. He actually makes his own clothes so he goes all out on them!





RAINBOW! Anything colorful! Basically stick with like kidcore/clowncore. They love rainbow outfits a lot and will put color into every piece of clothing they wear.

So basically he'll wear anything. Just keep it flowy and colorful.


  • They are an only child.

  • He often pulls things out of thin air, constantly breaking the fourth wall.

  • This clown character actually killed a hoard of zombies in our most recent session.

Code by Aurorean