


8 months, 15 days ago


Cian Foghar

"Put your emptiness to melody, your awful heart to song; you don't have to sing it nice, but honey sing it strong; at best you find a little remedy, at worst the world will sing along"

— Hozier

› Name

Cian Foghar
› Pronouns

› Birthday

Sep 23rd
› Food

Autumn's Bounty
› Masterlist


  • reading
  • chilly mornings
  • scented candles


  • arguments
  • drama
  • technology





Identifying greatly with the season of Autumn, Foghar chose to go by his second name which means Autumn in Scottish Gaelic. 

Foghar is known as "the wise old man" even though he never discloses his age to anyone. Foghar prefers to be the observer in many situations, waiting to voice his opinion until he has a chance to fully process both sides.

Foghar can be a bit of a loner most of the time, though his few close friends are very important to him. He always prizes others needs above his own and will do almost anything for his community. 

He is definitely a peacekeeper among other sooshes, often being called upon to help settle disputes. 

When not helping the community, Foghar can be found reading books of any subject matter, fiction or nonfiction, ancient or contemporary. Always seeking wisdom and understanding, Foghar greatly enjoys learning in all situations.

Overview | Miscellaneous

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