Deuliox and Noxen



5 years, 11 months ago



- crimes, baby

- no really he's a wanted criminal he's always on the run

- noxen helps him hide a lot like a mom friend

- he always has his tie on, and sometimes wears the eye patch in public<

- why does he have glasses? idk man

- the only hetero thing about this lil funky bi man is his heterochromatic eyes

- he's cocky as fuck but he makes up for it in optimism and treasuring friendships

- over all he's the most protective of noxen


- actual mom friend

- no seriously she's a BUFF MOM

- while she's very dedicated to deu, she is capable of being independent, and doesn't always need him.

- she can only use the upper half of her body from some unknown reason?

- she doesn't talk about herself a lot.

- she can shift into this lil blob to get around faster

- when she possesses Deu it just kinda? gives him a lil strength boost, no demons here tonight kids.