


5 years, 11 months ago


Name: Rowan
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Aromantic Pansexual
Species: Demon/Partial Demon (depends on the time period)

Design Notes: He can glamour his appearance, so pretty much any sort of minor tweaks is all right. When disguised as a human, his eyes (normally bright red/pale green) are brown-gold. He also will often jokingly wear things with pentagrams to fuck with people.

Pre-WWI Era
- Sadistic, Arrogant, Vain, Possessive, Competitive, Charming, a massive fucking Psychopath.
-  A high class demon who maintains his position in Hell by torturing and killing his competition. Has a few other demon lords that he has grudging respect for, but he would rip them apart without hesitation at the first sign of weakness. Likes to screw around on earth, usually this ends with some human(s) getting fucked over, but there are rare occasions where he'll leave people alone.

Post-WWI Era (Modern day)
- Vain, Snarky, Vindictive, Charming, protective in his own fucked up way and depending on the day he could either be seen as a sociopath or just very asocial.
- He tends to move around a great deal while keeping up the facade of being human, rarely staying anywhere more than five years. Though he generally doesn't feel guilt or empathy towards others, he does experience regret over past actions from before the war, or when he goes too far on his bad days.


Backstory (Note, the human who's soul Rowan possesses has yet to be named and as such is referred to as "X" currently)

X is a young soldier in WWI, and had a very close friend with him. His friend dies in a very gruesome way in front of X. X is traumatized by this event, so scared and lonely, having lost faith in God he decides to summon a demon to make a deal. He makes the deal with Rowan so he can't be hurt in the war.
Sometime later the war ends and during celebrations X is murdered by a group of men outside a bar (Reason undecided. Either the men mistook his and Rowan's relationship to be of a romantic/sexual nature and killed him in an act of homophobia, or another demon wanted to fuck over Rowan by screwing up his deal and robbing him of the soul, but unwilling to interfere directly they instead use demonic influence on the men to incite the incident).

Though Rowan was incapable of love or affection at this point as a demon, he grew very possessive of X and is enraged when he finds him dead. Rowan brutally kills the murderers, but when he tries to collect X's soul something goes wrong (Reason? Possibly soul had begun to disappear already, or X had used some spellwork to screw Rowan over if he went back on their deal and let someone else kill him). Instead of absorbing the soul or simply collecting it, Rowan ends up fused with it, becoming something not quite demon but not human either.
Rowan is royally pissed because this fusion with a human soul causes a drastic drop in his power, and over time (decades) he begins to feel emotions such as guilt and regret, but also begins to crave companionship as humans are social creatures by nature even if demons are very solitary. After many decades (modern day) Rowan accepts his new situation and becomes adjusted to living amongst humans, unable to return to hell upon risk of being ripped apart by his rivals because of his weakened powers. He comes to love X even though he has long since been killed, this one event causing him extreme regret for varying reasons. On his more human days, he misses X and wishes he had saved him, on others, he wishes he had killed X himself so he would never have ended up as he is now. Though he has accepted his fate, he still tries now and again to find a way to reverse what happened and would jump at the chance to return fully to demonhood.

Note: He is still a shitty person post-WWI era, just not demonic levels of bad