Leonid Varfolomeyev



8 months, 16 days ago



I think ultimately you become whoever would have
saved you that time that no one did.


Name Leonid Varfolomeyev
Nickname Leo
Species Vampire - Belov Clan
Age 897
Birthday June 30, 1126
Zodiac Cancer
Gender Male
Pronouns He/Him
Sexuality Heterosexual
Occupation idk yet


Brave | Trustworthy | Stubborn | Chivalrous | Dense

Outgoing and social, he always tries to get to really know people and looks for the best in others. This can, at times, blind him to ulterior motives because he is too trusting. He strongly believes in a sense of community and mutual support and easily gets attached to people. Leo truly loves humanity; he can look past all of the darkness and still see the good left in the world.

Emotions are both his strength and weakness. He feels too deeply, which makes him love fiercely and hate blindly. Leo does not often think rationally and just acts on however he is feeling in the moment. He can be easy to manipulate emotionally, especially if someone knows what sort of reaction they are trying to get out of him.

He believes in living in the moment. Finds no value in reflecting on a past that he can't change.

Outwardly confident, but somewhat low self-esteem. He will help everything and everybody except for himself. Leo finds his own self-worth through nurturing others, and it comes as second nature to stick up for someone who will not stick up for themselves, particularly if the situation is unjust.

When he has something to fight for, he will not give up.


Height 6'8"
Build Stalwart, burly
Eyes Gray
Skin Tone Light
Hair Color Dirty blond
Hair Style Wavy undercut
Three ear piercings in each ear.

He has a pair of reading glasses that he likes to wear. He doesn't actually need them, he just thinks they make him look smart.


Leo was turned in 1158. He was 32 at the time.

Speaks Russian, English, and Old East Slavic.

Always strongly rejected Christianity and was primarily a Slavic pagan. He became an atheist after his turning, but still has a healthy respect for the old gods.

Leo also had a daughter, Vera, who died before the age of 10 due to sickness. Vera was a temporary name, as she never lived long enough to recieve a new adult name.

Leo does not support the political climate of Russia from over the last couple of centuries and does not find any of it to be a representative of the Russia he knew.

  • Heavy metal, nu metal, & other various subgeneres of metal
  • Good manners
  • Communal support
  • Anarchism
  • Rom-coms
  • Sexism
  • TERFs
  • Facism
  • The way seafood smells
  • text


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Massive physical strength and muscle density. Though most vampires are inherently strong, Leo is especially so.
Especially weak to fire, takes him considerably longer to regenerate from being burned.


Early Life

Born in the 12th century, Leo was a farmer of the Vyatichi tribe. Somewhat nomadic around the Oka region, he raised horses and cattle, and brought his family with him to the Republic to sell horses to the Novgorodian army. Enraptured by the big city, they decided to stay.

Any potential Novgorodian could be enlisted in the army, and Leo was no exception. He went to fight against the Suzdal, and those he fought with were enraptured by his strength, skill, and loyalty. On their return, he was elected as a tysyatskii by a boyar named Ingvar, who was impressed with the stories.

Leo lead troops to Rostov-Suzdal again, but when he was away, his wife, Yaroslava, and their son, Vitomir, had died, murdered for refusing to accept the Christian faith. Distraught over his loss, Leo accused Ingvar of murdering his family at the veche. He incited a pagan mob which burned Ingvar's house and killed the boyar's family, along with anyone else who proclaimed Christianity as their faith. Ingvar himself fled to another part of the Republic, but Leo tracked him down and killed the man himself.

Although many of the people supported Leo, the murder of a boyar with no proper trial heralded his fall to disgrace. With no other plans to go on without his family, Leo awaited his own trial, but it did not go the way he expected it to. Posing as a Knyaz, his sire, the one called "Svetovit", had shadowed the veche on that fateful night. He admired Leo's show of character and gave him the bite, whether he wanted it or not.

Having expected his own execution, Leo did not take his newfound unlife very well and wanted nothing to do with his sire. Svetovit willingly let him go- to get the wilderness out of him. He told Leo to come find him when he was ready.

For a long time, Leo refused. He continued to fight alongside Novgorodians as they expanded east and northwest, becoming well known as a victorious yet terrifying undead warrior who drank the blood of their enemies. Those who set out to war with him regarded him as a legend, and he became a bogatyr character of his own in the bylinas.

Despite the eventual fall of the Republic in the 15th century, Leo felt he had found a purpose for himself in fighting, and he truly believed in a united, independant people, free from the rule of the Golden Horde. He fought with the Muscovy against the Mongols, but eventually, he too had his fill of war. When Leo felt he was no longer needed, he decided to finally seek out his sire after all.


Leo settled in with his new "family". His sire, his father. An ancient thing, known amongst humankind as a spirit who ate flesh and drank blood. Svetovit was creating a clan of vampires made of his own lineage, tracking down his flesh and blood to find someone worthy of the unlife, and Leo just so happened to be that person in that point of time.

With them, he was taught how trivial human matters are in comparison to their own lives. Svetovit truly thought so little of humanity that his clan was apathetic to the human plight and chose not to interfere with history in the making. Leo spent decades in their company, and despite having Svetovit's favor as the youngest son, Leo remained apathetic towards the family- at least until Mila came along. The next upyr that their father sired and therefore the youngest of them all was sweet, young Mila, who reminded Leo of the daughter he once had. However, their relationship didn't last long.

The middle brother, Vadim, felt threatened by Leo's existence and saw him as competition in his mad dash for power. He murdered Mila in order to set a trap for Leo, knowing that it would be easy to overtake him while he was emotionally vulnerable. Vadim also knew he wouldn't be able to kill Leo while Svetovit was alive and well, especially not so soon after Mila.

Senseless and mad with grief, Leo fell into a pit of rage that allowed Vadim to get the best of him. He forced Leo into a torpor by killing him over and over, draining him of blood until he could no longer regenerate.

Of course, Vadim faced repercussions from their father for the murder of Mila, since Svetovit firmly believed in a strong sense of family and therefore did not condone siblicide. Despite this, Vadim's punishment was deceptively light since Mila was a woman, and therefore wasn't favored as much as the sons.

Leo, on the other hand, was showing signs of world-weariness, so it did not seem suspicious at all for him to sleep. And so, Leo slept for centuries more, out of sight and out of mind.

Current Events

In the 20th century, Svetovit has started to age.

This has caused uncertainty and chaos among the family, a catalyst for change and struggle amongst the siblings. Vadim, who desires power above all else and has always obsessed over their father's throne, is taking advantage of the situation by any means necessary. He is focused on taking out the eldest brother, Mstislav, something he never dared to bring to fruition before out of fear of their father.

Their sister, Nadia, who was always a neutral party but finding her own life jeopordized within the power vacuum, took this opportunity to wake up Leo. After the death of Mila, she grudgingly accepted that her life seemed so useless in comparison to her brothers, but knew Leo to think differently. Except, upon waking up, Leo did not react in the way Nadia thought he would.

Leo decided then, that his life was more valuable than whatever plans that Vadim would surely have for it, and that he would not take part in this insanity. He had already lost too much time. Instictively, Leo knew that if another altercation were to happen between him and Vadim, he would die.

Leo immigrated to the U.S. in order to avoid his family's internal power struggle. Svetovit once again let him go with his blessings, forewarning that Leo would return to him again when he had nowhere else to go. He is desperate to prove his father wong this time.

Since his defection, Leo has managed to successfully build up his own clan in the U.S., mostly consisting of Russian Americans. He first started this by offering shelter to fellow Soviet exiles during the Red Scare, but the Belov clan has since grown into a distinct and influential part of vampiric society in the area.

Allies & Enemies


His first friend; a relationship that spans hundreds of years. She was someone completely different and new, like a breath of fresh air into his otherwise stale life.


Justifiably what started out as a charity case on Leo's behalf, then he tried really hard to be Sinth's friend, too, despite the other vampire's best efforts to smash the budding relationship.


A newer friend, but one that feels like Leo's actually known forever. She's just as bad as Sinth is but in her own way, and Leo doesn't know where he would be without her and her antics.


Nadia followed Leo to the U.S. shortly after his own defection. Despite his refusal, she still believes that Leo is going to be the one to stop their brother. Leo trusts her, but is not completely willing to let her into his heart.


If it was up to Vadim, Leo would be dead. There is no love lost between the two- it never even existed in the first place. Leo does not think that he would cross a continent just to kill him, but it is a close thing.