


8 months, 10 days ago


Southern Goth Lolita Farm Girl Vampire

Vanari is from a small town farm where she grew up with her adopted rock gnome parents. Her past is traumatic. She is a reborn vampire from her past life. She accidently killed her parents before learning to control herself. Learned to meditate through chain whip dancing (similar to ribbon dancing). She helps with the farm animals and the farm fields. 

She is so sweet and bubbly, the type of gal if you were to walk in she would bake you cookies. She is a bit of an airhead and an accidental flirt while just trying to be nice. She enjoys hot milk, flowers, oils, and herb baths to smell good. She will carry you like a princess out a window and fall so you land on her.

As a fighter her chain whip she uses for meditation is also her weapon that emits fire. Vanari does not like hurting others but is learning she must in order to keep her friends safe. She is also learning not everyone is caring and nice.

Tall girl energy 

As a Cleric Vanari's religion is old. There was a time in early life that a Goddess Sejus would come down to visit mortals and live amongst them for short periods. Over time Sejus would stay longer and longer until one day she came across a beautiful woman in the market. The pretty lady dancing in the square in front of the venders and musicians playing. She wasn't dancing for money but dancing for herself and cheering to get others to join in.

Sejus watched her dance till she could tell the mortal women was tired. At that point Sejus approached her. They talked as they walked to the mortals home, and Sejus was delighted by the conversation. She had never had such an enthralling talk with someone else. From then on Sejus stayed on the mortal plane and even stayed just in that small village. 

She talked and learned what it meant to be human from the pretty lady. She felt joy, nervousness like never before and she fell in love with the pretty lady, with humanity. She saw beauty she never thought to look for. 

Sejus did confess her love to the pretty lady and she reciprocated. Sejus finally saw the point to live one last life, as a mortal and then to die. Shortly before she could take mortal form, her lover was killed by an evil corruption. In a feeling of overwhelming agony and a moment of hatred for the humanity she was taught to love she fled. She ended her life walking amongst the mortal plane, however her teachings and presence remained.