Shaw N. Fier



8 months, 3 days ago


My self insert yayyyyyyyyyy

Hopefully making this profile will actually motivate me to draw him. He's just a regular ol' Umbreon that dresses like me but he's GOTTA at least have a face to 'im.

Shaw N. Fier

Male (cis or trans? Who knows.)

He/They (sometimes plays around with it/its and zey/zem pronouns, but you have to have permission)

Pretends to be grumpy but is really just tired. Says that caffeine makes them giggly and hyperactive, but that's just what he's like normally. Always sleep deprived.

Keeps a dream journal, writing is his favorite hobby and he likes to think that he's pretty good at it.

Obsessed with hot drinks and sweets. Sugary coffee drinks are his bread and butter. Top three drinks include chocolate milk, water, and Monster energy java. 

Antisocial, bad at talking in-person. Sometimes he'll just write down what he wants to say and then read it off of the screen. It's easier for him to get his thoughts out that way.

Has intense mood swings. Can go from loving a person deeply and wanting the spend the rest of his life with them to resenting them over minor annoyances. Will lock himself away during these episodes to prevent himself from saying something he'll regret. 

Doesn't do well with extended physical contact. Is okay with hugs and actually enjoys giving them, but anything longer than that makes them nervous. They will always try and get away when someone has been touching him for "too long". 

Has trust issues, conceals things about themselves often. 

Never tells anyone what the "N" stands for. Could be Negan, could be Nick, could be nothing (or Nothing). 

Gets overwhelmed with communication easily, then feels bad for not responding. 

Friends (?) with Salem and Aero Hyper, though every time they're seen in public together they're never talking to each other. No one knows what the murder suspect, the sleep-deprived slasher simp, and the antisocial grump want to do with each other, but nobody thinks it's good. 

Techno tags along with them sometimes, or at least he tries to. Shaw tries to have nothing to do with them because Techno is a "kid" (18), despite only being a few years older than Techno himself. 

(You'd never know it from looking at them, but Aero Hyper is actually the youngest of the group. They have midlife crisis vibes and are very mature + calm.) 

He's incredibly afraid of making big decisions and commitments that will last a while. He finds himself unable to enter any relationships because he's worried about being tied down and not having any options. He also fears getting into a relationship in the heat of the moment, and then realizing that he's bored of it later. This, combined with his volatile mood swings, are what keep him from confessing his crush on Salem, because he fears he'll get bored of the relationship and subsequently grow to hate Salem, ruining their friendship forever.

Shaw is the so-called "leader" of their little trio. Or at least, that's what Shaw thinks of himself to be. Shaw deems himself both the smartest and strongest of all of them, as well as the most intimidating. So, by proxy, he thinks himself to be the leader whenever they're all out in public because he sees himself as the one keeping them all safe. However, while Shaw is definitely smart and the physical strongest of the group, Aero Hyper is actually the most capable one in a fight. Neither Shaw nor Salem have any idea of Aero Hyper's past, and they intend to keep it that way.

Often very paranoid. Ranges from things like being afraid of getting murdered to being afraid that all of his friends secretly hate him. The type to check in the closet and under the bed whenever he's sleeping in a new location. Carries around a taser with him at all times (because a knife would get him arrested).