


6 months, 29 days ago



Name ???
Age 20's
Gender Female
Height 5'5
Role Manager
Relationship Single
Voice content

❝ If anything happens to my talents, I'm killing everyone then myself. ❞

The manager for the talents at True Sky Productions (SkyPro). At first she became their manager due to convenience, but she's come to genuinely love the talents that she's in charge of. Seeing them doing their best and caring for their fans made want to do her best for them. She's very protective and caring towards her talents, and will do whatever she can to make sure they thrive and succeed. The idols under her care are very grateful that their manager is so reliable, but they also barely know anything about her.

According to other staff members, the president of the agency picked her up off the street like a wet cat and she stuck around ever since. No one knows her name or any of her personal information, only the president knows. They've somehow managed to hide all her information as per her request. There's rumors about her being a retired idol, but she hasn't bothered to clarify anything. She's content just supporting the talented artists she's been put in charge of and letting them shine.


  • Her talents
  • Sleeping
  • Gacha games
  • Snacks
  • Organized schedules


  • Hostility towards her talents
  • Super packed schedules
  • Passive-agressiveness
  • Not sleeping enough
  • Traffic

Daily life of an idol manager


The excited ambience of the crowd could be heard from backstage as the members of TWIN☆TAIL, Miwa and Shiori, waited for their queue. This was their first live performance in months and they couldn't help but let the nerves get to them, considering how their last live performance ended in a disaster. After all, having crazy fans run up on stage trying to assault you is something no one should ever have to experience. As the two girls stood in pensive silence, a figure walked towards them with a steady stride.

"Now, now. What's with this dark aura surrounding you guys?" She questioned, coming to a stop in front of the two.

Shiori tried to give a cheerful smile, but it ended up looking more like a grimace. "Manager... it's nothing. Just can't help being a bit tense." Shiori's ears twitched nervously. "It's been awhile and... well... with what happened last time..." She trailed off.

"I know you've made it as safe as possible for us, Manager-chan. But whenever I think about how those creeps tried to touch Shiori..." Miwa clenched her teeth and glared at the wall. Ever since the incident happened, Miwa has been overprotective of her partner. "It still pisses me off whenever I think about it."

Looking over the two girls and seeing the anxiety on their faces, their manager took a deep breath, eyes lighting up with determination.

Steeling her nerves, she took a step back and bowed deeply, startling them. "As your manager, I'm so sorry! This happened due to my inattentiveness and I swear to you that it'll never happen again." Rising from her bow, their manager looked at them with a glint in her eyes. "I know it'll take time for you two to put your trust in me again but even if you can't believe my words, believe in my actions." She reached out and gently took each of their hands and brought them to her chest. "I've placed the tightest security in the venue and if anyone even tries to approach the stage, I'll tackle them down myself if I have to."

With that said, their manager offered them a bright smile. "There's not a chance anything will happen, so stop thinking, do what you do best, and sing your hearts out!"

Miwa and Shiori glanced at each other, then back at their manager. When they looked at her, they saw the steady and reassuring figure who always did her best for them.

Letting out an amused huff, Miwa pulled her hand from their manager's grip and poked her in the chest. "Well, when you put it that way, I suppose we have nothing to worry about." She said cheekily, a more confident expression crossing her face. Their manager always knew how to keep them steady, a reason why they refuse to have anyone else.

"I've always trusted you, Manager. What happened that time wasn't your fault." Shiori replied, a soft smile forming on her lips. She never blamed their manager, who took the incident the hardest. It was endearing, how much their silly manager cared about them. "I know with you around, nothing can go wrong."

Their manager let out a little sniffle and let go of Shiori's hand to rub her eyes. "That's right!" She said, ignoring the crack in her voice. "My priority has always been your wellbeing, above all else." She reached out and pulled the two girls into a tight hug. "That's why, you two should feel no fear getting up on that stage. Be confident, be free, and don't let anything weigh you down."

Looking at their manager with affection, Miwa and Shiori returned her hug.

While they were hugging, a staff member approach the group of three in the middle of imitating an octopus.

"I'm sorry to disturb, however it's time for TWIN☆TAIL to head up on stage." The staff member looked at the three hesitantly, feeling awkward about intruding their moment.

Removing themselves from the group hug, they looked at the staff member sheepishly. Miwa cleared her throat. "We're all set and ready to go, thank you." The two idols began to walk towards the stage. Before heading up the stairs, they turned in unison and looked at their manager.

"Don't worry, Manager-chan."

"Make sure to watch us, Manager!"


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Proin congue eros dolor, eget commodo augue gravida ac. In feugiat pulvinar dolor, eu cursus nisi commodo et. Pellentesque consequat porttitor ullamcorper. Mauris venenatis hendrerit sodales. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nullam non bibendum dolor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer sagittis erat ac justo egestas, at lacinia velit eleifend. Aenean convallis dolor vitae nisi gravida, at condimentum nibh porta. Pellentesque efficitur purus a sapien imperdiet, nec feugiat turpis sollicitudin. Sed in rutrum dolor. Phasellus augue sem, varius vel odio id, semper condimentum elit.



Re-raise  ∙  Re:vale

blender  ∙  Vivid BAD SQUAD × MEIKO


ăƒȘă‚ąăƒ©ă‚€ă‚ș  ∙  Hatsune Miku


  • People often mistake her as the cheery type, but that's just her masking in public.
  • She never has money because she's always buying merch of idols.
  • Everyone she knows calls her some variation of "Manager" or just says "Hey, you".
  • She's quite skilled in singing and dancing, which is why some people think she used to be an idol.
  • Her favorite idol group is Re:vale.


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