Claudia Capone



6 years, 3 months ago



Claudia Capone

figlia di venere

38 . She/Her . Cat


Claudia Capone, born Valentino, is a 38-year old Italian cat and Douglas Capones lovable and sometimes a bit too obsessive wife, who runs the household of not only her own family but also the entire gang, as she brings life to where ever she goes even if she can ruin the mood due to her constantly teasing and flirting her husband. A small, feminime and very curved woman often seen in short, beautiful dresses, Claudia is a "modest" woman, raised to be a trad wife and only wants the best for her husband while her smile radiates charm. When she isnt constantly swarming over her husband, her heart stands on the stage of the Opera, sitting by the piano and entertaining hundreds of people under the stage name "signora amore", singing her love songs every saturday.

Before Claudia met Doug, she lived in a tiny village near Venice with her father, serving him while being forced to work at a club from a very young age as her father couldnt make the rent due to his alcohol addiction and loans from the mob. Claudias dream was always to have a family and see the world and when a young, kind man came along took her heart and offered her a contract for a musical career, of course she would leave even if her father had other plans though those dont matter anymore, as the dead cant speak. It was a long, akward and dangerous road but Claudia could finally marry that young man and while her dream of a family is still in the air, she and Doug will never be torn apart even if it means that blood has to be drawn.





About me

name Claudia Capone

age 38

gender Female

pronouns She/Her

orientation Straight

status Married

A Million Men Theme

Claudia - ♡Dougy's wife♡, she/her, dont DM me unless you're my Husband
  • Plushies
  • Playing Piano/Singing
  • Tea and Icecream
  • Cats
  • Cooking & Traveling
  • Fish & Spicy food
  • The Ocean
  • Flirting from other men
  • Bugs
  • Porcelain Dolls

Claudia's tail is partly cut off due to a challenge Dougs father gave her to proof that she is worthy to marry his son and wear the Capones name, it can be presented as either showing-flesh or as a stubby tail; The capones have seperate bedrooms however every night Claudia sneaks into her husbands room and snuggles with him; Her entire room is filled with plushies that mostly her husband bought her but she also makes her own

Doesnt have any actual education and has a hard time writing sometimes; Really loves playing dress-up but only to tease her husband and is really into the idea of having children and being a mom; The gang members treat her like a queen even though Nitty really doesnt like her; Has killled before and will do so again if she has to, but preferably squashing them with a hammer or blunt objects








Gardevoir Species

Naughty Nature

Synchronize Ability


Draining Kiss Fairy

Moonblast Fairy

Hyper Beam Normal

Charm Fairy


Claudia Capone


Professional Skills

  • Housekeeper
  • Time Management
  • Communication
  • Clean Workspace

Personal Skills

  • Creativ
  • Hard worker
  • Steady Hands
  • Physically Fit


Work Experience

3xxx Showgirl at the "Casa di Venere"

  • Frontstage and backstage/private shows
  • Main showgirl on the pole
  • Musician, mainly voice

3xxx Random

  • Housewife
  • Famous Musician under the name "signora Amore", plays every second saturday in the opera house and goes on tours sometimes



  • -
  • -

My Pictures


Douglas Capone


My sweet husband and the best man on this earth♡ I really love teasing him, its adorable seeing him get all flustered and despite him acting all that seriously, hes just a big kitty cat who needs snuggles♡

Kent Gauthier


Kent is my manager and a nice guy, if not a bit of a scaredy-cat

Dr. Dent


Micheal is a man I trust and envy everytime I see his family. I sometimes ask him for help when my dear doesnt take care of himself.



Squeez is a funny guy and he hangs around me sometimes, wanting to help me with cooking. I consider him a friend and we talk a lot about love and plushies

Antonio Bianchi


Nitty is Dougy's right hand man and a total cockblock. This man just wont let me do my things-

Claudia, Welcome!


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