Uevara Lla'ra



7 months, 3 days ago


She/They 26 yrs

She is a quiet student, who spends most of her time in the library. She is an advanced magic student and researcher who is associated with galaxy and space themed magics.

You can usually find her curled up in a big squishy arm chair reading a book. She is almost always carrying at least one, if not many books.

design notes

- Underside of her hair is a purple ombre

- Her glasses have a purple lens to help with Irlens syndrome which is a visual processing disorder so she wears colour tinted glasses when reading.

- If she is not reading her glasses are optional, but MUST be drawn if she is reading

Art to get: fullbody art showing off her prosthetic leg, art of her curled up in a big squishy arm chair, art of her studying in a library late at night, art of her working with galaxy/space themed magical items