


8 months, 7 days ago


Ach, nein, don't be silly, mein Freund! If our skin is peeled off, I vill simply sew it back on!

he / it god's favourite possibly undead? UNAUTHORISED fucking thing blow it up NOW

Dieter Kohler

  • Celestial Warlock
  • Class
  • Mad Doctor
  • Background
  • LVL 1
  • Level
  • Sciencer
  • Race
  • Chaotic Neutral
  • Alignment
  • ENTP
  • MBTI



















Saving Throws
+2 Strength
+1 Dexterity
+2 Constitution
+4 Intelligence
+3 Wisdom
+7 Charisma
+3 Acrobatics (Dex)
+3 Animal Handling (Wis)
+6 Arcana (Int)
+4 Athletics (Str)
+4 History (Int)
+1 Insight (Wis)
+7 Intimidation (Cha)
+6 Investigation (Int)
+6 Medicine (Wis)
+4 Nature (Int)
+3 Perception (Wis)
+5 Performance (Cha)
+7 Persuasion (Cha)
+3 Sleight of Hand (Dex)
+1 Stealth (Dex)
+1 Survival (Wis)







Hit Dice
Favorite Attacks
Name Bonus Damage Type
Syringe Gun +2 1d4 + 1d6 Piercing
Guiding Bolt +2 4d6 Radiant
Fire Bolt +0 1d10 Fire
Chainsword +2 2d6 Slashing
Name Summary Attuned
Archimedes Archimedes! Roll 1d20. This determines nothing, but the DM will laugh if a 1 is rolled, and a 20 requires the group to sit down and tell Archimeds how great he is.
Syringe Gun If aimed at an ally, roll 2d20, that result will be the amount of HP that an ally will be healed for.
Balisong A dainty butterfly knife carved in a striking shape. Reminds him of home.
Gloves A pair of sturdy, washable, medical-grade gloves.
Healer's Kit A leather pouch containing bandages, salves, and splints.
Backpack Has a medic cross embroidered on it and a pocket for Archimedes to nestle.
Simple Weapons
Martial Weapons
Alchemist's Supplies
Healer's Kit
Herbalism Kit

Personality Traits

Dieter speaks in a relatively thick German accent and sprinkles German words into his everday speech.

His demeanour is upbeat and excitable, sometimes even to the point of being a bit dense.

Smart, but not wise; he'd put tomatoes in the fruit salad.

He tries his very best to remain calm and level-headed, but he has a bit of a temper, especially when stretched too thin.


Why let something like 'ethics' or 'laws' get in the way of medical breakthroughs? Within reason, of course.


Dieter does not fear God.

. . . He might fear being burned alive, though.


He tends to be blunt, and speaks before fully thinking through the implications of his words, leading to accidentally insulting people.

He is perhaps the world's biggest gossip. He can keep a secret if asked, sure, but you will have to specify.

And he is definitely off his rocker.

Eye Agate Bracelet
Healer's Kit
Magic Konpeito
Observer's Mirror
Sewing Kit
Racial Traits
Advantage against being charmed
Cannot be magically put to sleep
Darkvision 60ft
+2 Charisma, +1 in two other ability scores
Two skill proficiencies of choice
Can speak 2 additional languages of choice

Doctor Dieter Kohler is a mad doctor who used to be a medic in a gravel war. He claims to be from sometime in the 1960s, but the entire timeline of his universe is muddled to the point of incoherence. Magic was real, but uncommon. He dabbled in it himself, but he often preferred to focus on his... "studies". The world itself is in vastly different states of technological advancements on account of some different types of elements that have been discovered. He himself didn't grow up with much technology, but his job has quickly gotten him accustomed to it. From cell phones to a respawn machine to teleporters and everything in between, he's almost entirely up-to-date with modern technology!

Dieter works in a team totalling 9 full-time mercenaries, as well as 3 part-time mercenaries. Do his team annoy the living Hells out of him sometimes? Of course. He's the medic, keeping a battlefield properly healed and in fighting shape is no cakewalk. But he loves them to death regardless. He speaks very highly and affectionately of his team, and may have to be stopped from going on rambling stories about his time with them. He seems to have a particular soft spot for his team's heavy weapons expert, engineer and alchemist. He looks at the team's scout almost like a nephew; a handful and a half, but very much loved regardless.

He grew up in Germany, something that is very apparent by his manner of speak and general customs. He is particularly passionate about Oktoberfest, at which points Gods help anyone around him because he will take a break from playing team parent to drink himself into oblivion for a night.

  • 47
  • Age
  • 6'3"
  • Height
  • 185 lbs
  • Weight
  • What Is He
  • Distinguishing Marks
  • Blue
  • Eyes
  • Warm-Toned, Tan
  • Skin
  • Black, Grey Streaks
  • Hair
  • Too Many
  • Scars

Dieter was human once. Fair to say, that doesn't hold true anymore! From his crystal-like horns to his elven ears to his dragon tail, he's experimented on himself to the point of becoming his own species. According to him, he didn't even have many of his more fantasical traits before being pulled from his universe! What's most damning about his mysterious appearance, though, is his decapitation scar. He can give an agonisingly detailed account of how he sewed his own head back on (not that I reccomend asking about it, it's highly unsettling at best), but it does raise the question of whether or not he counts as an undead being...

Class Features
  • Spellcasting 1st lvl

At 1st level, you know one cantrip of your choice from both the Cleric spell list and the Warlock spell list. You learn additional cantrips of your choice at higher levels. By 2nd level, you have learned to draw on arcane magic and turn it into divine magic to cast spells.

As you level, you will choose your spells known from the Cleric spell list and/or the Warlock spell list.

  • Light's Caress 1st lvl

At 1st level, the Celestial Warlock learns a unique way to manipulate radiant energy focusing either negative or positive elements to it. The Warlock shapes that energy into a bolt and throws it to a target within 30 feet. If the bolt has positive energy the target is healed; if the bolt has negative energy make a ranged spell attack against the target, on a hit the target takes damage.

You can use this ability as many times as your Charisma modifier + your level. You regain all charges after a long rest and 2 charges after a short rest. Undead and demons take an additional 50% damage.

  • Sacred Weapon 2nd lvl

At 2nd level, with a bonus action, you imbue one weapon with negative radiant energy. The imbued weapon deals an extra 1d4 radiant damage with every successful attack. This ability can be applied to one weapon at a time and only once.

The damage increases at 5th level (1d6), 10th level (1d10) 15th level (2d6) and 20th level (2d8)

  • Celestial Aspects 3rd lvl

At 3rd level, you may choose a Celestial Aspect. You gain additional features at levels 7, 13, and 18.

  • Ability Score Increase 4th lvl

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1.

  • Sacred Pulse 6th lvl

At 6th level, you learn to release a wave of radiant energy in a 30 feet radius from the Divine Warlock. The Warlock must choose if the energy is positive (every creature within radius is healed) or negative (every creature within radius takes radiant damage). All undead and demonic creatures treat this spell as if cast with negative energy and take damage accordingly. Creatures targeted by this ability may perform a Dex saving throw against the Warlock spell save DC and take half damage on a successful roll.

This ability uses the same hit die as Light's Caress from the Celestial Warlock Table. you can use this ability 2 times a day and you regain this uses after a long rest. At 12th level, you can use this ability 3 times a day and 4 times a day at level 18.

  • Sacred Armour 10th lvl

At 10th level, you may imbue your armor or the armor of another creature with negative radiant energy. Every time you are successfully hit by a creature within 10 feet of you, the armor will deal 2 points radiant damage to that creature as a reaction from the attack. The damage increases at level 15 to 4 points.

  • Sacred Return 15th lvl

At 15th level, the Celestial Warlock learns to store a great amount of positive radiant energy within them. As long as this energy is within you, whenever your hit points reach 0 or lower you spend this ability to automatically resurrect with half hp and protective aura that increases your AC by 5 for one turn. You can also use this ability to resurrect one creature within range to a quarter hp as long as it has not been dead for more than 24 hours and you only need a small piece of the creature to be able to use this ability.

This ability has 1 charge, to regain the charge you must complete a 15-hour ritual with a component requirement of 1 large diamond and a bag of purifying salts worth a total of 1 platinum.

  • Sacred Avatar 20th lvl

At 20th level, you learn to cover yourself in a mixture of positive and negative radiant energy creating a shiny angelic avatar that is launched from you. The angelic form is 35 feet wide (centered on you), 15 feet tall and travels as far as 100 feet in a straight line from the Warlock. Any enemy creature in range of this attack is automatically hit with 7d6 radiant damage and are knocked prone regardless of size; Any friendly creature in its path is healed by 7d6. You can use this ability once and can regain it after a long rest.

  • Locked ??? lvl

Aliquam et nisi ac mi vulputate hendrerit a in mi. Mauris at nulla tellus. Vestibulum consectetur aliquet magna ac viverra. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Ut iaculis finibus urna. Phasellus sit amet lorem porta, dignissim erat in, rhoncus tortor. Nulla sed orci varius, pulvinar diam quis, cursus erat. Quisque sed faucibus sapien.

Spell ATK Bonus
Spell Save DC
Total Cantrips Known
Magic Items
Name Summary Attuned
Crystal Earrings A pair of beautiful blue star-shaped earrings.
Eye Agate Bracelet A small, thin bracelet with a piece of agate cut to look like a human eye.
Feather Charm A beaded chain with bells, gem beads and two feathers attached at the end.
Observer's Mirror An intricately designed mirror with an Elvish poem hastily scrawled into the back.
Cantrips and Spells Known
0 Fire Bolt
0 Healing Light
0 Light
0 Mending
0 Sacred Flame
1 Cure Wounds
1 Guiding Bolt
1 Magic Missile
2 Magic Missile
? ???
? ???
? ???
? ???
? ???
? ???
Spell Slots Available
1st lvl
2nd lvl
3rd lvl
4th lvl
5th lvl
6th lvl
7th lvl
8th lvl
9th lvl
Component Pouch