
Axis - Male - 16

Jericho is typically an upbeat Axis and one would be hard pressed to bring down his mood. He’s easily impressed and gets excited at the slightest thing. Although he tends to get hyper very easily, he doesn’t do so in a way where he’s bouncing off the walls. In fact, he tries his hardest to be mature and stay calm, even though it doesn’t often work well. Jericho takes responsibilities seriously, but because he’s easily distracted this makes things difficult. He’s a social butterfly and will always take up the chance to talk to someone or try to make friends. Being playful and a joker, he’s good with kids. He has an overly active imagination and this can make him say strange things in conversations.

He’s a nocturnal, since he much prefers night over day. His sleep schedule is often jumbled up, since there’s more activities he wishes to be involved in during the day. Jericho has a fascination with glowing things and bioluminescence. He tends to obsess over things like this, such as fireflies, until the source of light goes out.