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16 Jan 2023, 9:20:19 pm


refreshments are in the back
some want to be there more than others
Everyone's anatomy is a little fucked up but in my defense, zzzzzz


Connor: after being filled with more power than he bargained for, he sought out an old friend. Did not end well. Kills: 1

Jonah: was in an accident while drunk driving with a passenger who was too small to have been in the front seat to begin with. It was all a horrible accident. Kills: 1

Eren: he gets shit done and makes sure there is no one left as a witness. Kills: at least 1

Dawn: absolutely merciless spawn camper. Death means nothing to her in a Minecraft world where PvP is enabled. Kills: so many

Jarldis: she causes a lot of accidents to happen. Maybe the deaths weren't by her own paws, but she is aware and prideful of being the indirect cause. Kills: Undefined

Con'Nar: he kills to survive. The number gets higher every other Tuesday. Kills: >1

Theo: The police records say zero. Kills: ?