Case Bishop



5 years, 11 months ago


Your name is Case Bishop and you are so tired of people insisting that the world is flat. Honestly, what are they even thinking?

Case Bishop • 16 years • Male

height: 5'7"
body type: angular. bony and lean. kinda awkward like a baby deer.
notable physical characteristics: gaped front teeth. he hates it when someone brings it up.

chumhandle: ingeniousGlobe [IG]
quirk: no capitalization typically used. capitalization is used to emphasize and to convey shouting/frustration. tends to use curse words. frequent acronym use (lmao, lol, idk, etc). perhaps an occasional pun is used.

guardian: mom bishop
occupation: high school student
sexuality: asexual. possibly demiromantic.

case is intelligent and will make sure that you know it. he's an avid user of discussion forums, and debates on a variety of topics that he prides himself on. he is prideful of his intelligence, sometimes demeaning to those he considers to have a "lower intelligence" than him. however, he will still be your friend because if he won't, then who will? he just doesn't admit that he actually cares for you. he's not a sociable person either. once he has a few friends, that's fine by him. he doesn't go out of his way to make friends either.

hiveswap style info:
- insomniac
- flat earth is a lie
- my intelligence makes me better than you

info from deepseahorror:
- Literally just launch this kid from a catapult
- What do you mean Pajama pants aren't proper school attire?
- "Um, Actually" is his catchphrase