
8 months, 11 days ago


Mizushima Hisoka

female (she/her)



March 14th

177 cm





A girl who may seem a typical quiet bookworm, but in reality is a lively airhead.

Hisoka is a total sweetheart who is full of love. She adores giving hugs and complimenting her friends, as well as simply voicing her delight whenever something even slightly amusing happens. A being full of love, Hisoka shows complete trust and kindness towards everyone, and quite frankly it is very hard to stay unaffected by her cuteness.

Honest in every way, Hisoka never suppresses her feelings, and being easily moved to tears she could certainly be classified as a total crybaby. To her this title is something worth being proud of, as she believes any expression of emotions is good and should be celebrated.
In tune with her own feelings, Hisoka is great at reading others and mirroring their emotions. Her gentle approach and dedication to validate your reaction to something makes her a very comforting person. She may not be able to give you advice, but she knows what to say to reassure someone.

Hisoka’s entire demeanor makes her very likable and extremely hard to get upset or angry at. Even though she can be forgetful at times and neglect her chores, or win against you in a game leaving you feeling nearly humiliated, one silly smile from her makes any and all negative emotions evaporate quickly. However, don’t be fooled by her weak and sweet demeanor and think of Hisoka as a completely harmless being - a hug from this girl is an inevitable and inescapable phenomenon, one should simply accept as their fate.

As an idol

Hisoka loves making music, and through the years she has established herself as an unofficial producer of Andromeda. She has contributed to many songs for the group and its units, she even dabbles into helping out other artists under AS Entertainment.

Hisoka is known for her easy-going nature and eagerness to join in on any challenge. Perfect for a variety show, she fits practically any setting, always making the mood more unserious and bright. She puts effort in any game, even the most ridiculous ones and can be a very gracious loser, who somehow seems to have the most fun despite the loss.

With fans, Hisoka is similarly always goofy: going along with any joke, putting on any headpiece or clothing item and playing with gifted toys. She’s especially good with cheesy pickup lines, genuinely loving them and even going as far as trying her best to out-cheese her fans in response.

Always clingy, during any sort of event or filming, Hisoka will be capturing her fellow members into hugs and then refusing to let them go. Similarly, she likes to randomly praise her members while they're doing something, or to come up to them and try to give them a smooch. Her antics on set may even go beyond pestering her group, as Hisoka likes to come to camera and talk to the viewer or even director. She is the type to request things or ask for help from the staff without any shame, and unsurprisingly she usually gets whatever she requests after giving her best puppy eyes.


Family: She has a younger brother, who is also an idol.

Hisoka used to be an extremely shy and fearful kid.
Luckily she met Katsumi, an energetic and unruly child, who easily took charge when it was time to play. Hisoka stayed by her side ever since kindergarten, and eventually started becoming more self-assured herself.

In middle school, Hisoka took note of her and her friends talents as well as Katsumi’s interest in idols and suggested starting an idol club. It was merely a vague idea on her part, Hisoka didn’t want to bother her friend with something too demanding, but soon enough their club gained more members and became something more than just an after school activity.
Making new friends and expressing herself through singing and dance, helped Hisoka evolve into a confident airhead she is today.

After graduating from high school, Hisoka became a trainee under AS Entertainment and later debuted in Andromeda.

  • Video games
  • Cute things
  • Hugs
  • Complimenting others
  • Strawberry milk
  • Horror genre
  • Working out
  • Waking up early
  • Crying too hard
  • Spiders
  • Considered an unofficial producer of the group, as she contributes to creation of many Andromeda's songs.
  • Her representative animal is a lop rabbit.
  • She plays piano.
  • She is a very heavy sleeper, she can be put through entire morning routine without properly waking up.
  • True gamer girl, enjoys MOBA and rythm games the most. Despite her sweet demeanour she is a teirrifying and experienced opponent.
  • She is usually the one distributing lines in songs, and she tends to give herself fewer lines than other members.
  • A terrible cook, she can mess up a sandwich.
  • It's a universal rule that no matter who the person is and what their opinions on Andromeda are, they will have a soft spot for Hisoka.
  • Michi from cheer4U is her younger brother.
  • In the dorms, she shares the room with Sora and Chie.
Michi Brother

Her dearest and silliest baby brother, who she is endlessly proud of! He tries to act cool, but it only makes it harder not to tease him, and yelling his name across the hallway is simply part of her duty as a good older sister.
Michi may be a whole person of his own with an entire job, but to Hisoka he will forever stay a silly little guy who can't ever beat her in Mario Cart and then pouts about it.

Katsumi Best friend

Hisoka’s best friend forever, they have known each other for so long it’s impossible to imagine her life without Katsumi! She always informs Hisoka of the latest online drama and recommends endless amounts of anime and games, with Katsumi it’s really impossible to be bored as she always has something to share or tell you.
Katsumi is definitely the main reason why Hisoka managed to become this confident, and she is very thankful to have such a ball of energy by her side, and how easy it is to tease Katsumi is certainly a nice bonus!

Mieko Best friend

Mieko is a wonderful person who keeps the entirety of Andromeda from becoming a total mess. Even though Hisoka is often guilty of going to bed late and forgetting to wash the dishes, she doesn’t mind Mieko scolding her… it is well deserved after all.
And as much as some members may say Mieko is strict, Hisoka thinks she is very kind and nice, and if anything she could have been much scarier towards all of them!
But one thing Hisoka cherishes the most about her friend is her incredible writing abilities. Nothing helps her get out of writing block better than asking Mieko for help with the latest song she’s writing.

Sora Best friend

Sora is a gorgeous being, inspiring and breathtaking in many ways. Hisoka is a very proud fangirl of hers and never hesitates to volunteer for any goofy fanservice moment featuring Sora.
Hisoka considers herself to be very lucky, after all Sora’s vocal abilities are completely unmatched, and composing songs knowing you are a vocalist goddess by your side is even more exciting than usual.
And while she herself can’t be called a very serious or elegant person, Sora is there to guide her and make sure she doesn’t fall immediately after putting on high heels.

Shiori Best friend

Sweetest ray of sunshine! Hisoka loves hugging Shiori, no matter what is going on, she is just so perfectly sized for it and always returns Hisoka’s affections.
Their bubbly leader is a natural center for many stages, and making songs knowing Shiori will be the one carrying most of the choruses is very thrilling. Hisoka isn’t too well-versed in composing cute music, but branching out more is entirely worth it even just for dear Shiori.
Hisoka is always here to give Shiori more reasons to laugh, as her sweet friend’s smile can light up the whole room.

Chie Best friend

Little Chie is just an angel! She is so cool and calm, and her dancing abilities are incredible. Hisoka definitely can’t compare to her, but having such a talented person by her side and supporting them through their artistic journey is more than enough for her!
And during rare moments when Hisoka is out of energy, she can always stay around Chie and recharge in her lovely and peaceful presence.

Kameyo Best friend

Kameyo is a hilarious daredevil of the group, there is simply no way to predict what she’s going to do or say next, and Hisoka loves that! Kameyo keeps everyone’s spirits high, turning any dull day into something more exciting and fun, and of course, Hisoka simply cannot miss out on something like that and always joins in on any ridiculous bit Kameyo got going on.
On top of that, the main rapper’s abilities certainly add something special to each and every song of Andromeda which Hisoka is endlessly thankful for.

Hana Best friend

Some may think Hana is just the strong and chill girl, and Hisoka certainly benefits from these qualities herself: hiding behind Hana whenever something scary is happening and sticking to her in case any danger comes their way. There is simply no one as reliable in that regard as Hana, however, she can a far more gentle side to her that some may miss.
Luckily, with Andromeda’s influence, Hana sings more cute songs and even has some ballads under her belt. The mighty dancer of the group can be adorable and even sentimental, and Hisoka is very proud to contribute to this revelation.

Akane Best friend

Akane is such a kind soul, she is doing so many things for Andromeda, yet she never announces it or asks for thanks, she is just a quiet dad who doesn’t want her members to deal with their chores after a hard day of work. Honestly, Hisoka could cry about how selfless Akane can be!
With all her skills, Akane also carries a lot of responsibilities as an idol, and being so hard-working on and off stage, she is still there no matter what to cheer you up. Hisoka would know, she is practically subscribed to Akane’s-reassurance-service.