


8 months, 7 days ago


Pico is a possessed doll, controlled by the spirit of an ancient being. 

A polished shard of the Ancient's heart is embedded in Pico's head, giving them strong magical abilities. When out of combat, Pico generally bears resemblance to a child's doll. They can float or walk when like this. 

Pico has ghostly ears which disappear when they're asleep or otherwise unconscious. 

When in combat, Pico can summon ghostly arms for hand to hand combat, which they can also use to move quickly around the battlefield. When using up to four of their ghost arms, Pico's mana is not affected. 

Pico can also take on an extremely powerful beast form. In this form, he appears as a ghostly quadruped beast and can become up to 30ft tall. This form drains the mana of any nearby people, which is then stored within Pico's body. They tend to avoid this form unless they have a build up of mana from previous fights, or they're fighting a large group of enemies.