


8 months, 19 days ago


Basic Information

Full Name: Annika Belle Sutherland
Nicknames/Aliases: Nik, Nika
Titles: None
Age: 29
Gender: Cis Female
Orientation: Demisexual, Panromantic
Species: Imp
Birthday: November 18th
Occupation: None/tba
Powers: None
Living Family: Weldon Sutherland (father, estranged), Aimee Sutherland (stepmother, estranged), Willow Sutherland (younger half-sister)
Hometown: -tba-
Current Residence: -tba-

Physical Characteristics

Height: 5’8”
Body: Red
Hair: Black
Eyes: Black with yellow sclerae
Body Type: Mostly average, a little on the skinny side
Distinguishing Marks: White scarring across her face, as well as scarred spots on her back from repeated beatings.
Left or Right-Handed: Right
Quirks/Habits: Prefers to sit in places where she can either clearly see the exit, or where she can keep an eye on everyone else in the room.
Voice/Voiceclaim: -tba-

Medical Information

Addictions: None
Aids/Augmentations: None
Allergies: None
Conditions: None
Physical Abnormalities: The tip of her right horn is broken off from the same incident that scarred her face
Blood Type: ???
Disorders: C-PTSD
Other Notes: As a result of her C-PTSD and general traumatic experiences, Annika occasionally suffers from panic attacks, nightmares, intrusive thoughts, and depressive episodes.

Mental/Personality Attributes

Known Languages: English
Positive Traits: Hardworking, loyal, quick-thinking
Neutral Traits: Protective, modest, cautious
Negative Traits: Somewhat jumpy, refuses to acknowledge her trauma
Optimist, Pessimist, or Realist: Pessimist (but trying to be better)
Introvert or Extrovert: Introvert
Fears: Losing her sister, her abusive parents finding her
Secrets: Pretty secretive about her private life around people she doesn’t know well


General Likes: Feeling secure/safe, moments of normalcy, braiding hair, freedom, folklore and storytelling, baking, urban exploring, abandoned buildings, music, farmers markets, breakfast foods
General Dislikes: Being called Ann or Annie, controlling people, having her back touched, excessive and/or strict rules, singing, cruelty to children, bad dreams and restless nights, celery soup
Animal: Turtles and tortoises
Color: Blue iris
Food: Bacon and eggs (and tulip honey)
Drink: Apple cider
Music Genre: Country rock
Season: Autumn
Flower: Irises


Best Friend(s): Striker
Other Friends: -tba-
Acquaintances: -tba-
Significant Other(s): Striker
Rivals: None/tba
Enemies: Her parents
Pets: None


Meaning of Name: “Grace/elegance”
Religion: -tba-
Astrological Zodiac: Scorpio sun, Cancer moon
Celtic Tree Sign: Reed
Birthstone: Topaz
Birth Flower: Chrysanthemum
Element: Earth
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
PKMN Nature: Careful
Alignment: Lawful Neutral

  • Annika and Willow are half-siblings through their father. Nika’s biological mother, Felina, disappeared under unknown circumstances, with her father only giving the vague implication that she died in an accident. While she’s interested in finding out what may have happened to her, she wants to wait until she and Willow are in a safe/stable situation first.
  • Annika used to enjoy singing, but even the softest humming was deemed “too disruptive” by her father and stepmother, resulting in beatings from her father if she didn’t stop. After escaping her parents, she does want to reconnect with it, but the traumatic memories and intense anxiety make it difficult.
  • Annika and Striker were close friends as children. He knew about her awful family situation, and tried convincing her to run away, but she refused to leave her disabled sister at her parents’ mercy. Nika’s family eventually moved away from the area, and the pair was unable to get back into contact until adulthood.
  • Annika cuts her hair with a pocketknife after escaping her parents. She lets it grow out again over time, but starts styling it differently.
  • Annika is older than Willow by 10 years.