

Name: [spoiler]

Nickname: Charlotte

Age: 15 years old

Appearence: dark burgundy hair styled in two round twintails, teal eyes. Somewhat tall and chubby.

Outfits: either a school uniform with teal hair accessories or a jacket and a scarf over a loose shirt, a long skirt and boots in her civilian form; a dress in mostly pink and brown color scheme, with poofy sleeves that resemble strawberries and polkadotted stockings in her magical girl form. Also red shoes and a fake tail ending in a flower in said magical outfit.

Personality: very energetic and friendly. Tries to have an happy outlook on everything all the time, but this causes her to suppress her negative emotions very often.

Likes: cheese, food in general, baking, manga, animals (save for birds).

Dislikes: hospitals, big places, birds.

Relatives: her terminally ill mother. Charlotte does not know her father or any of her grandparents and it's implied none of them know about her in return; when her mother got pregnant with her, she cut off all contact with both the baby's father and her own parents out of fear, and basically ran off to her grandmother's, with whom she lived until Charlotte was little. Said great-grandmother passed away several years back, and Charlotte seems to remember her fondly.

Relationships: Amaryllis is her best friend, and she's good friends with most of her classmates and some other schoolmates.

Magic: Heat/Freeze magic. Her wish gave her control over temperatures.

Weapon: a magic wand that resembles a lollipop with some sort of ears attached. She uses it to channel her magic towards targets.

Wish: "A cheesecake like the ones we used to eat when I was little"

Soul Gem appearence: dark burgundy, shaped like a strawberry. Positioned on her lower back, at the start of the fake tail.

About her:

-She's hyperactive, rash and curious. She's always moving around and talking nonstop, sharing everything that crosses her mind with no second thought - there's not an ounce of shyness in her. If she's sitting silent on her own, that's a dead ringer for the fact that something very wrong is going on with her. She is very affectionate and has an habit of hugging people at full force - something that, as far as her friends are concerned, does not go well with her stature. Most of these situations end with said friends (like Amaryllis, who's considerably shorter and lankier than her) downright tacklehugged into the ground.

-She's a big eater. Desserts and all kinds of cheese are her main favorites, and while she favors sweet foods over sour ones, she's not a picky eater and gladly enjoys everything. She's also a skilled cook, and expecially loves to bake sweets; this is an hobby she picked up from her mother, who bakes for a living. Charlotte wants to follow in her footsteps in the future, and while she still lacks some skills and fails to cook some of the more complicated recipes, she's shaping up to become a better baker than her mother.

-She's an animal lover in general. She owns, and has owned, several pet rats and always had the habit to carry them around in her pockets or on the top of her head; mostly at home, but sometimes she'd sneak them out and bring them to school, unknowingly causing general mayhem whenever they were discovered. The one exception to her love for animals is her dislike for birds, something that she ironically shares with Amaryllis, albeit for different reasons - Charlotte's been scared of them ever since a sparrow ate one of her rats.

-She often acts like a total goof and spaces out a lot, but is actually much smarter than she lets on. Like Amaryllis, she also tends to fail at school, but in her case it's mostly due to laziness and being constantly distracted by her own daydreams rather than actual difficulties; this annoys Amaryllis to no end. Charlotte's always had the tendence to keep her head up in the clouds, but getting involved with the world of puella magi in general loosened her grip on reality considerably, not helped by the desire to escape reality she's started developing since her mother got ill.

[Her design is based off the black-and-white production sketches from the original Madoka Magica anime, that showed what were probably the human forms of the witches at the time. Since the human form of the witch Charlotte has long since been retconned in that of Nagisa Momoe, this character is simply a different interpretation of said human form.]