


8 months, 7 days ago


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The Brawn
4th of june
Blank Soul
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I talk.
Prideful · Perfectionist · Cold

Ike is a 28 year old Arabian red fox who was born in Syria. His parents were scholars, so of course they would send him to a prestigious school at a young age. He had more magic aptitude than others of his same race, with some rumors that one of his grandparents is a dragon due to the weirdness of his little horns. It's probably not true.

Being so incredibly bright and talented at a young age, he quickly became popular and earned the respect of most around him. Others would hang around him, asking him for advice or attempting to talk to him. He wasn't that talkative, however. He wasn't a shut-in like Roshin, but he wasn't really engaging in conversations much with his peers either. He'd prefer to work on his own things while others litter around him like flies. He'd grow to enjoy some of the attention.

He was well known for making incredible machines and was heading for a straight line to a comfortable- even luxurious life as a coveted engineer. He had a few competitors, however he seemed to be on a completely different level than those people. There was one other person though, although that said person didn't quite completely relate to it. Some shut-in unicorn was apparently a genius at making gadgets and machinery, Ike heard from some staff and students, though he didn't really feared that guy. He has no magic, so who cares? It's not like he's going to exceed a prodigy like himself.

He couldn't help but be shocked when he saw that so-called magicless unicorn one day. Apparently he had a 'late puberty'? Late until he was 17 years old? Is that some kind of bullshit? He'd eventually confront him, but get no more information than he had. Well, who cares, he's still better.

He has a blank soul. It's a strange type and not much is known about it. It's not necessarily rare, but it is pretty uncommon. Nowadays, he works as a coveted engineer.

Metropolis (Night) by James Primate