$15 Spooky



8 months, 28 days ago



Yevat and YVVO are a closed species, please do not make your own without MYO slot.
When buying you only can claim ownership of the design - Species and designer remains @YokaMycelium
If you plan to buy please join the Yevat world!
When bought: you can resell the design for any price, trade, voucher, swaps, gifts allowed
When bought: Redesign allowed, adding accessories, scars, clothes, choosing gender, story, etc, and you can design what we can't see (the back, tongue, etc.)
Buyer receive ownership of the character and fullsized unwatermarked files (flat and shaded)
When buying, make sure to pay in 48h max or you'll be blacklisted from my future sales and events.
Full Yoka's TOS and full YVVO TOS

First to come, first served (I don't do holds)

How does it work?
These designs are "semi-MYOs." You can design any body - as long as it correspond to the Yevat or Velilyevat anatomy - to go with these portraits. The rules are as such:
- You can freely design the fullbody (not on the provided artwork)
- The facial traits, colors and marking can be slightly altered in your final version, but the character must remain recognizable
- These designs come with a list of pre-established UTs and UPs free to use. If not used in your final design, they'll be voided
- Your fullbody has to be approved, and your artwork will be added to the maslerlist
- In case of redesign, the portrait only can be used as reference, meaning that they're semi-overhaulable!



UT x4
- Multiple wings (includes misplaced wings if as least one pair is in the back)
- Horns on body
- Visible bones
- Glowing hair

UP x1
- When meeting someone, they suddenly know when and how this person will die, and they might attempt to change their fate... or not

"A ghostly presence that has a lot on their mind. They know too much for their own good."

Artwork, designs, species Yoka
Cross-posted on Deviantart and Furaffinity
My brushes and resources (free)
Please don't repost, copy, etc.

Join our YVVO discord server!