℘ - Baby Bat



8 months, 21 days ago


Moonlight Collector is a reserved pony who founded Moonlight Pets, located in Olde Ponyville. There is no better place to find exotic and rare pets, as well as a wide selection of domesticated household pets!

She is the mentor of Confetti Cake, and runs her shop with a whipped word and a glare.

She doesn’t have to say much to get her point across.

Simoleon Spinel is her opposite. She’s friendly and talkative, always willing to make a friend while she makes a sale.

She loves the weirder side of Equestria animals, hence her wild choice in what pet she chose for herself.

She is the mentor of Funfetti Confection, but only seems to succeed in making the filly even more nervous than she already is with her energetic nature.

Baby Bat is the daughter of Simoleon Spinel and adopted daughter of Moonlight Collector. She does not want to work in the shop and spends all of her time running off to hang out in the woods with her friend the “Moo Thing”.

Simoleon Spinel is very protective of the subject of her father.

Cutie mark: an orange zappy rainbow with bats 


Name: Baby Bat

Nicknames: n/a

Pronouns: she/her

Talent: being a baby bat.

Personality: energetic, fun, troublemaking, loud

Parents: Simoleon Spinel + ??????, Moonlight Collector (adopted)

Sibling(s): n/a

S/O: n/a