Sumie Cleff



8 months, 14 days ago


Sumie Cleff


Trans Male




August 21st


Asian-American (Korean)

Orchestral Harpist

Presenting the wonderful and renowned classical harpist... Suuuuumieeeeeee Cleff! Sumie is accustomed to the flashing lights and noisy crowd, but he largely prefers the isolated sound of his own instrument. Though, such a time is rare for him, and as far as he's concerned, it's always showtime.


Extroverted Introverted
Instinctive Calculated
Deceptive Sincere
Indifferent Emotional
Reserved Affectionate








  • Joyous
  • Affable
  • Good humored
  • Well-mannered
  • Clumsy
  • Gullible
  • Pushover


Sumie is eccentric in his behavior, often acting as if he is always on stage. With others, he will be formal in his initial conversation, but act as if they have known each other for 10+ years upon their second encounter and following. Sumie tends to focus so much on his 'performative' state that he becomes absent-minded in regards to paying attention to much else, leading to the clumsiness.


Out of all his negative traits, him being a pushover is his biggest problem-causer. He can be easily willed into silence if he believes that anything he cares about is at stake, and his gullibility raises the likeliness for any potential threats or demands to work, even if they are empty. Despite his typical eccentricity, being in this state will cause him to fly low under the radar, he won't even seek out help.


He hums the tunes of songs he doesn't know, and upon being asked what he is singing, he will simply say that it's something he just "heard from somewhere." He waves his hands around a lot while speaking, which helps him emphasize his point. He clears his throat a lot before speaking. He constantly adjusts parts of his clothing or props, such as his gloves and sash.


Favorite food: Mini sandwiches

Favorite drink: Pineapple Juice

Favorite scent: Salty ocean air

Favorite color: Red / Burgundy

Favorite flower: Daffodil

Favorite season: Spring

Favorite number: 26

Favorite music: Orchestral/Classical


  • Socializing
  • Surprises
  • Rock-skipping
  • Bantering
  • Singing (though he isn't very good)
  • Colorful lights


  • His clumsiness
  • Spicy food
  • Rodents
  • Overbearing fans
  • Perceived rudeness


  • Late-night walks


Sumie, as the primary family’s only son, has followed his parents’ profession into performance of the classical arts. He grew up following his passion, and aside from daily quirks and mishaps, has kept his events and routine consistent for most of his life.

DRCE Experiment

Familiarity is comforting, but how long until it becomes an absolute bore? Sumie was never all too familiar with the sciences, but he decided to sign up for the DRCE experiment out of genuine curiosity. Besides, if they were really capable of poking around in his dreams, perhaps he could unravel a hidden passion, something he had been lacking…? Much to his surprise, he was accepted, and at first, everything went as promised for him. Since the whole ordeal was more interactive than he anticipated, he didn’t end up finding the hidden passions and curiosities he sought for, but he DID end up getting to meet new people and find out about *their* passions in the end, so maybe it wasn’t all for nothing!

The aftermath of the DRCE experiment left him almost entirely hopeless. One person he knew had died, and another, who he had grown closest to, had disappeared without a trace. He was compensated, as promised, but it didn’t mean much to him at that point. He returned home to what he felt was an empty house. Sure, he could talk to his family, but their ‘the show must go on’ mentality was not suitable for comfort, so he couldn’t get that helping hand he needed out of them. His one friend was long gone by that point as well, leaving him without a single shoulder to cry on. Eventually, he tried to return to his duties, but audience members noted the false enthusiasm in his voice and the slower strumming of his harp. He was soon pulled from performances to allow him to recover properly.

Current Day

Today, Sumie still hasn’t returned to his usual performances, but he is taking the time to himself to properly process everything that happened. He wants to reach out to the others that were part of the experiment with him, not just to check up on them, but to know that he’s not alone in everything that the experiment put them through. Little does he know the person behind its spiral isn’t done with him yet.


Kabaret Sybarit - Intermezzo

Main theme

Headquarters Music - The Hide and Seek Song

Voice headcanon

Song has no relation to character other than serving as a voice claim.

Miracle Musical - Isle Unto Thyself

Plot inspo

Duet-style past introspection.

Tobias Lilja - The Death Waltz

Plot inspo

I will not survive you.

The Correspondents - Fear & Delight

Plot inspo

Blind to it all, you knew what you were risking.

Another fan, are you? Well, it's a pleasure to meet you. Oh no no no - trust me - honor's all mine!


"My friend! My buddy! It's always a good laugh when I'm with you. Sure, we may have our squabbles, but it's all in good fun, never ever have I seen someone as eager to perform as I!"


"One show without you in the audience is already too many, my friend! I scan the audience every time, and now I've started looking to the sea as well. Is it wrong to imagine that every blinking light from a ship is you waving to me?"


"I don't hate you, I don't think I *can* hate you. I don't have that in me... but I don't forgive you either. Don't come near me again, I don't think I could bear to see you."