Apple Roots



8 months, 12 days ago


Apple Roots is the daughter of Applejack and King Sombra. As an earth pony, she didn't inherit Sombra's powerful magical abilities, but she did inherit her mother's strength- and then some. Apple Roots' strength is uncanny, her front hooves powerful enough to break boulders beneath her feet. Originally, Sombra saw an earth pony descendant as useless, but as her unnatural strength showed itself more and more often, he began to take more of an interest, giving her tests of strength that scratched up her legs and, in a freak accident, scarred her cheek. While her lack of magic isn't ideal, she can still be of use to him, and since he stole her away from Applejack as a baby, he's had plenty of opportunity to mold her into his image. As much as he tries, though, Apple Roots is an inherent pacifist, and has no interest in using her strength to fight. What she wants is stability and a family, and when she isn't training with her father, she's scouring his palace looking for information about her mother. Luckily for her, her cutie mark is very recognizable, so someone familiar with the Apple family would be able to point her in the right direction.