


8 months, 1 day ago


Basic Info

Pronouns: He/Him
Height: 5'7"
Family: N/A
Magic Type(s): Energy/"Blessed" with Luck

As a child, his parents continuously wished for him to be happy and have luck in life, not aware that their magic was turning these well wishes into actual blessings of luck.
These blessings became stronger until it became strong enough to prevent Melamus' death in a tragic carriage accident. This would be the incident that would reveal that the blessing isn't all good. In return for protecting Melamus, everyone else in the carriage did not survive, causing him to be orphaned at a rather young age.
He would later find out that the blessing even protected him from taking his own life.
Despite the fact the blessing helped him get to where he is now, he sees it more as a curse, as it only protects himself and puts others at risk of injury or death instead of himself.

He later works for Kembor's family as their family mage after working hard and graduating from a magic college.
In addition, he is also Kembor's magic tutor. As such, he finds out about her secret rendezvous with her lover.... lovers.
He keeps his mouth shut, not because he doesn't want her to get in trouble, but because it would be bothersome to tell her parents and have to deal with the aftermath. Plus, Kembor is paying him for his silence so it's really a win-win.
Only downside, is that this seems to make Kembor think she can complain and rant to him about her lovers. He couldn't care any less about such trivial matters but pretends to listen anyway.

His work for the family mostly consisted of creating magic defensive devices and laying out lines of defense in their large estate.