


6 months, 26 days ago


designation: faema
legal name: unknown
nicknames: faem, missy
gender: female  age: late 30s

Faema was a field officer in the late 70s and 80s. She suffered serious injury due to a weapon malfunction and lost most of her hearing as a result. Not wanting wanting to return to the field, she transfered to technology. By the late 90s, she was the head of the department.

     In early 2000, she was targeted and killed after certain personnel files had been leaked and decoded by a mole. Chemex was promoted to fill her role and the events surrounding her death lead indirectly to Long Black's promotion.

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>When she worked in technology, it was one huge department. One of her reforms was to split it into three smaller branches, which were Research, Analyses, and Development.

>She was the only head of tech that had also been a field officer. Because of this, she was able to change a number of systems to benefit tech and operations jointly. She worked in particular to make operations safer for officers.