Abigail and Josiah Bishop



6 months, 19 days ago


Wanted to design Bishop's parents for funsies, canon to AHC. 

Abigail was a headstrong personality. She used to stress her father out because she was terribly picky when it came to suitors, having too much self-respect to accept anyone she didn't click with after a conversation. Given they weren't that well-off, it was a bit of a point of debate between them. Even still, she had been raised to help around the farm and was a very self-sufficient person with a sharp sense of humor. She liked seeing others become passionate about their interests. She couldn't wait to be a parent as good as her own father, someday. She died during childbirth of her first and only son.

Josiah was a very mild-mannered man who was raised decently wealthy. He had taken up the profession of a wandering tutor, visiting small towns and spending a year or two teaching the children there, before moving on. He was book-smart but not great at thinking on his feet, very laid-back regardless. He met Abigail during what was supposed to be a short stay for his job in town, and turned into a permanent settlement as they fell in love. He was completely smitten with his wife, and he was so anguished at her loss that he stopped eating. Given he had recently contracted a disease, it killed him soon after.