


7 months, 9 days ago


Younger brother of Isa.

He was a padawan until order 66 happened, while he and his sister were on a break from their role as padawans to discover themselves before finishing their training. However, when the message came that any living jedi needed to go into hiding they abandoned their roles and lived under the radar for many years as smugglers of essential goods denied to citizens of oppressive governments (water, food, livestock (here's where the space chickens come in), but they also take on many odd jobs asked of them.

He's an excellent mechanic, and whenever something goes wrong with anything mechanical, be it a droid or a ship, he'll get it fixed up and taken care of. If a project needs two sets of hands, however, he knows he can rely on his sister to back him up. He's got a lot of other talents needed for blue collar work, so if there's anything wrong with your home or vehicles Storm can probably fix it.

However, while Isa helps him out while they work, Storm also tinkers with things in his downtime. This leads to him having built or rebuilt the droids they keep around, a gonk droid and a refurbished droideka, and he knows their ship so well he's pretty sure he could fix anything wrong with it in his sleep.

I know Zabraks dont have this in canon, but both him and Isa have sharp ears now, a detail which might be missing from older art pieces of them.