


6 months, 23 days ago


I would rather live with regrets than fail to act when it mattered out of fear of being wrong.

Gender Agender
Pronouns Any
Orientation Pan
Age 2,000,000 years
Sign Taurus
Species Earth Genasi
Origin The Earth
Role Moon Druid
Alignment True Neutral
LoZ:TP - Light Spirits' Elegy

A tall but gentle person whose skin looks like stone, though cracks in their hide reveal soft and brilliant gemstone beneath, particularly in a large span across his chest. His appearance is somewhat fluid, with small features retained from his previous Wildshape form. A small willow tree has taken root upon the crown of their head and shoulders (they do have hair, though it's currently so entangled in the tree it's impossible to make it out) and his body is littered with patches of moss. When Wildshaped, the outer layer of rock on their body falls away to reveal that brilliant opalescent gem beneath, which they sculpt and carve into the desired animal. The tree's roots keep some of their rocky outer shell firmly attached, which hinders their wildshaping ability.


Lone wolf
Cautious Optimist
The Lovers
9 - Peacemaker

He seems perpetually exhausted and dozes off frequently, even at inappropriate times or times when he actively wants to pay attention. They're curious of the world and appear to know frighteningly little about society outside of the fey whom they call friends. They appear to have mild anxiety surrounding sleeping and dislike being alone. They talk little when not curious of something and try to keep their communication simple. He is enchanted by even mundane things he finds in nature and delights in sharing his 'discoveries' with people.

Quirks: Naive, Curious, Dozes off frequently Habits: Exploration, Meditation
  • Artistry
  • Rainy days
  • Discovering new things
  • People!
  • Blood & guts
  • Industrial machinery
  • Chaos
  • Exhaustion

  • Eternal sleep
  • Dying alone
  • Losing their heart
  • The Earth
  • Stone carving
  • Nature-walks
  • Stargazing
  • Helping strangers




  • Overly trusting of companions
  • Vulnerable outside of Wildshape
  • Has no idea how technology works
  • Fearful of The Earth's wrath

Reshaping their entire body into a new, better form is so obvious Harlow is honestly kicking themself that they didn't consider it sooner!


Write about this skill/spell/etc. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tel lus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros.


Write about this skill/spell/etc. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tel lus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros.


The tale of how the earth was carved from stone, and its sculptor was forgotten by the world.

In the Beginning...

The Earth needed a physical force to shape the land that makes up the planet. It created Harlow, a colossal primordial earth elemental, to complete that task. Sentient and creative, Harlow quickly went to work on their god’s order, diligently carving valleys and building up mountains. They crawled into the forming oceans and seas to crack open enormous trenches and excavate volcanic vents. When he was displeased with his formed mountains, he would smash them back into the earth, creating active volcanoes. Very little lived on the still-forming planet, though the occasional interloper needed to be run off the ‘construction zone’ now and again by Harlow and the other elementals.

The work was hard and thankless. Harlow was run ragged, and by the end of his mission he felt so heavy with exhaustion he could hardly move from the final mountainous ridge he’d lumped together. They succumbed to his weariness while waiting for The Earth to look upon his work, falling into a deep, deep slumber.

The Big Sleep...

The Earth, nor anyone else for that matter, ever bothered to wake the slumbering colossus. His body was left a hollow corpse as slowly, over a massive amount of time, a new body formed within the cracks of his old broken heart. His consciousness, though dormant, had a more suitable vessel that could move freely again when awoken.

And awoken they were! The fey of the land sensed great danger from the impending curse and raced to wake the once-great elemental from his slumber. It took a huge collective effort to excavate the elemental from his old body, so far beneath the earth at the very heart of his eroded corpse, now the tallest mountain of the region. Harlow, grateful for being roused from his slumber (and quite sad nobody had cared enough to wake him sooner), realized quickly that their world had become nearly unrecognizable.

The teachings of the fey helped catch them up on current events, but many features of the land and civilized society elude him yet. His tether to the earth remains strong even after his big sleep, so he uses it to reconnect with this new and curious world.


  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio.
  • Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non.
  • Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros.
  • Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.


The devil of knowledge, healing, and secrets.

Harlow's BEST friend - contractually. He made a deal with the devil to find like-minded individuals who can help with the curse in exchange for... friendship? And some extra undecided favors worth a certain amount of gold. Harlow didn't really understand the last part. But he's happy to have a new best friend!

A yuan-ti bard who works as a "clown" in a "circus" - whatever that means!

A fellow contractor in the quest to lift the curse. Istilis has a collected attitude that Harlow appreciates and they think he's probably the best equipped out of anyone here to act as a party face. They may not get what his precise profession is (even after explanation) but they admire his dedication to bringing joy to others.

A bombastic self-taight aarakocra pugilist.

The second contractor Harlow met, who entered with a very bold presentation. They impressed Harlow with their quick thinking and even quicker reflexes, especially in the heat of battle. He quite likes Katsu and looks forward to seeing their 'special combat maneuvers' in due time.

A shifter warlock/rogue who just seems down on his luck.

The final contractor Harlow met. He seems to have a knack for getting himself into trouble, burdened by both a hangover and an unintentional tattoo when he first met the party. Harlow finds his ingenuity commendable, however, and is curious about what lets him shoot lighting bolts from his hands.