Brian (Herobrine)



8 months, 5 days ago


Warning the information for this character is heading into major spoiler territory for the story... with that said...

For every universe, there is a Herobrine. And for this universe this is his story.

He started out as a simple hero who had an older twin brother, Steve. They had a close friend in a woman named Alex and eventually a small group of heroes to call a family. They all wanted to elect Steve as their King, but the adventurous twin did not want to settle down and create rules or govern the people... Brian however did not mind staying and watching over the citizens that wanted them to rule. Figured to be affectionate towards the villagers, oh there was a language barrier eventually he started to understand their gestures, their mannerisms, their habits... Heroes can take care of themselves no problem but the villagers seem to need protection from the night-time scorges of the mobs. He would spend his time governing his people as well as creating a safe haven for the villagers who lived in his vicinity. As his kingdom extended he tried his best to protect every single villages... Assigning and available hero to go and check upon these villages.

Eventually one of their fellow heroes would turn dark and see the life around them as nothing but their plaything. Drake had been looking into the dark magic behind everyone's back... Trying to find ways to be able to be like the creator of their world. Upon the discovery of his treachery it was too late...

Drake had used 100 villagers, enforce them to multiply to a thousand within a few months and use their very lives to make a forbidden item; the creation cube. The cube itself was flawed with cracks in it that's not enough power was used to generate and create it. Innocent lives were used, and Brian's fury was beyond belief.

As king Brian had planned to execute Drake where he stood Steve however suggested to send him to the nether... With no way of returning. Rather than following his instinct to stop things there he listened to his older brother and sent Drake there. 

He had the creation cube that was flawed put in his Treasury where it would be safe from other users. He did his best to comfort the villagers who had lost loved ones in this travesty.

Years later, Drake returns to the world and already starts his planning to create another creation cube... However he had gotten his hands on more secret recipes in order to create stronger villagers so as to use more power so that he wouldn't fail again. 

Drake planned a siege onto the kingdom for Brian stayed as Steve and Alex had went to explore the further regions of the Kingdom to find those who need a safe place... In a desperate attempt Brian took the creation cubes power that he had sealed away in his Treasury to try and stop Drake. And has Drake was forced to retreat, the broken creation cue had eventually sent Brian to an alternate plane where he could only watch as his people in the villagers he cared for had to rebuild. They believed him to be dead and thus gave him the title "Hero Brian". 

His brother Steve and Alex had been together with a small group to finish off Drake, so he would find ways to return...

As centuries past, his title became infused with his name and soon the story of 'Herobrine' was changed from a hero saving his fellow Kingdom to a ghost who would appear randomly to stalk people... 

He did not care what people called him nowadays, his main focus was to keep someone from creating a creation cube with The souls of those who were innocent, or close to it, as he viewed all life precious; Heroes, Animals, Villagers, and even Illagers... He knew Drake was planning to make another stronger creation cube in order to wipe the universe and make it in his own image. Herobrine will do anything in his power to stop this madness...

Herobrine is still limited to what he can and can't do but he is able to create an avatar to interact with the world, as every time he tried to interact only a spectral phantom could be seen by those with strong magic and thank him a evil phantom... He couldn't physically touch anything and could face through all the way to the void... With his Avatar "Alexander" he's not only able to interact with other heroes but he is able to accomplish one thing he's always wanted to do; speak with the native villagers. He has the power of creative mode but is stuck in spectator mode when he tries to enter a world. 

He is chained to this specific world and has found out that there are other versions of "Herobrine" out there far different than him... some good, some bad, and some that are just neutral to their world...