Zero the Dark



8 months, 17 days ago


Name: Zero the Dark

Age: 32 (currently in the story)

Species: Cat

Gender: Female

Type: SpeedĀ 

Height: Slightly taller than Shasta, standing at over 4 feet.

Alignment: Zero operates independently and is motivated by her own enigmatic goals.

Team: Zero typically works alone but may occasionally collaborate with others, such as her partnership with Noah before his passing.

Occupation: Zero is a skilled operative, specializing in espionage, infiltration, and combat. Her psychic and dark powers enhance her capabilities.

Home: She maintains a secretive and ever-changing residence, often working in the shadows to achieve her objectives.


  • Mysterious and elusive: Zero is known for her enigmatic nature, which makes her difficult to predict or understand.
  • Intelligent and strategic: She possesses a sharp mind and excels at devising intricate plans.
  • Determined and driven: Zero's motives remain hidden, but her unwavering determination fuels her actions.


  • Zero hails from a family with a legacy of skilled and powerful individuals known for their alignment with dark powers. The family's name, "The Dark," signifies their connection to these abilities.
  • She may have had a close relationship with Noah, working together on secretive missions before his untimely demise.
  • Zero's prodigious talents set her apart as a remarkable member of her family, making her a force to be reckoned with in the world of covert operations.


  • Exceptional skills: Zero possesses a wide range of abilities, including psychic and dark powers, making her a formidable operative.
  • Speed and agility: Her speed type attributes enable her to swiftly navigate challenging situations and outmaneuver adversaries.
  • Strategic thinker: Zero excels at crafting intricate strategies and executing precise plans.


  • Hidden motives: Her true objectives are shrouded in mystery, leading to trust issues and potential misunderstandings with others.
  • Emotional distance: Zero's focus on her mission may prevent her from forming deep emotional connections.
  • Vulnerability to exposure: Her secretive activities could lead to her being discovered by adversaries.

Positive Traits:

  • Resourcefulness: Zero's adaptability allows her to thrive in ever-changing circumstances.
  • Dedication: She is unwaveringly committed to her mission, whatever it may be.
  • Skillful: Zero's extensive skill set and prodigious talents make her a formidable force in her family.

Negative Traits:

  • Elusiveness: Her secretive nature can hinder trust and understanding among her allies and adversaries alike.
  • Emotional detachment: Zero's mission-oriented focus may limit her ability to form emotional bonds.
  • Potential for manipulation: Her enigmatic motives and actions could be exploited by those with hidden agendas.