


5 years, 11 months ago



note: feel free to draw him, but his ref is really old :(
Reuben is a young lord, roughly eighteen. He's the current leader of his household, after the passing of his father, which occurred through... unforeseeable circumstances. He enjoys a lavish and glamorous lifestyle. He's impulsive, cheery, and sweet, but just avoids being considered absent minded, as he's still able to keep up with running the company his father left him with,

Reuben is something of a cannibal, born as a bastard offspring that has some kind of human eating demon's blood in his veins. He used to be repulsed, or even unaware of that side of himself. For years he concealed his needs unknowingly. Due to his gradual demonic starvation, a tragedy took place, leaving him the only member. That day forward, he's kept his diet in check. One of the few major staff members to stay after said tragedy, Exul, has made it nearly a life goal to ensure Reuben stays safe, and within his own mind. He rarely mentions the passing of his father, in attempts to ignore townspeople near his manor that have become weary of him.

He enjoys living a lavish and glamorous life, while running the company his father left him with. He's very flamboyant and arrogant... NOTE; i'm using an old exert to fill up his page at the moment.., will update and make it more personality driven later.

-he willingly conceals his demonic traits when needed, but, you can draw either form of his! i like them both the same :D
-he can be drawn in any outfit, just nothing too modern or out of place, please!
-not a sandwich