They are so sweet im dying help 

Could offer a character trade! could do multiple if they are inside the store folder, offlimits are any co-owned or forever homed, and characters inside the mascots folder. If someone says no offers on their profile probably them to- you can ask though it might be outdated (oh and also howltars folder is off-limits sorry). Other than that anyone from my th

I liked these ones! (I know it says no offers but putting them in just in case!)  

I could do fluffbut if you like?

I’d have to really think about it since they’re my least favorite! 

Alright- alternately I could do Hephaestus? Or maybe bug, though I am more tent on them

Calico and Kingsley I'm probably to attached to sorry

Bid here:

Adopt pings: VampiricSolitude  DuckieDoodles Alec_Los3r  L0verAgain

Adoptober pings: PurpleFilms  taylorbear_png  ChaoticCoyote  TheOz

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