
7 months, 29 days ago


Name: Chaiki Seoul

Age: 26

Height: 5’5

Sexuality: straight

Personality: unhinged, chaotic, rowdy, violent, messy. She’s only calm when she’s on drugs (which is all the time)

occupation: grave keeper, in her story line Chaiki looks over a large grave sight that surrounds a dilapidated church out in the sticks of a small town. The beginnings of her career began at the local morgue, her job title switched over to a grave keeper after being sent out to assist at the local grave site. Chiaki quickly took up work in aiding the soon to retire grounds keeper, making sure no ghouls, demons, witches, and other frightening beasts disrupted the peace. She began to take drugs in order to handle the horrors of the night after her senior grave keeper passed away due to a revenant. Since then her mental health has taken a steep decline but she refuses to quit her job, it’s become her way of life.

Likes: daylight, sunrise and sunset, drugs that can be smoked, drugs that last all night, shovels, 

Dislikes: undead, spirits, supernatural, uptight individuals with strong beliefs, nighttime, the “normal” world

Ailments: nightmares, constant sights of ghosts, drug abuse